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"System Busy" progress bars


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Is it normal for the "system busy" Dialogue box to appear for each and every little change I make? It is taking me forever to get anything done. Every time I add a device, manage a scene, change a name etc, I get the "System Busy" dialogue box followed by no fewer than 10 progress bars as the ISY99 updates and communicates. Is there a way to hold these communications off with the ISY until I am finished with my edits in the admin console? I am wondering if I have some bad links or something that are causing everything to take so long. I would estimate on the order of 1-2 minutes regardless of the type of change/addition I make. Thanks!

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Hello steckbeck,


If you have ISY99i PRO series, then you can do everything in batch mode before applying the changes (except the initial registration).


To answer your questions:

1. NO ... it is not normal. The Admin Console does not bring up the progress bar UNLESS it knows that the process is going to take longer than 2 minutes

2. I do think you have major communications issues. Please use Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer (on level 3), make some changes and observe the traffic. If you see many INST-ACK not followed by INST-SRX, then it means that ISY keeps trying to communicate with your device but it cannot. In short, for every INST-ACK there should be an INST-SRX.


With kind regards,


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Thank you so much for the lightning fast response. My problem was that I had FOUR Remotelincs that were not in Communication Mode after I made changes so the ISY was bogging down trying to re initiate contact with them to pass along the changes (even if the change I was currently working did not involve one of the remotelincs).

Thanks again, Now I am COOKING and learned my lesson to have all my remotelincs on the desk when I start making program changes in case one of them is involved.


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