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How to replace an old X10 module with a new Insteon module in Eisy?


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i recently replaced an older X10 Pro inline device with a new Insteon inline device. So, the definition in Eisy is wrong for that device. It still sees it as an X10 device. 

Is there any way to replace a device in Eisy with its new configuration?   

I only see where you can set the device type as you enter a new device. 

If an Insteon device is set to issue an X10 command, does it not act or identify as an Insteon device? 

I have several Insteon devices that are set to issue X10 as that was the basis in my old Homeseer system. These all should be changed to the appropriate Insteon device.  

Edited by Bladerunner
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You can replace similar Insteon devices with other Insteon devices, but not x10. However, the ISY does allow you do search across your programs, which I think is what you want

Go to iox, click the programs tab. Right-click on the top level program folder and pick Find/Replace.

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