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Lot of corruption

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I just received my last batch of Insteon devices, mostly 6-Buttons KPL. Once installed, I re-programmed a lot of feature and now is the 4th time I have to remove a device from the ISY for resetting it!


2 of my 8-Buttons KPL in place before this batch became unwritable. I received error messages and failure when trying to write to them. Restoring devices from the ISY was no help. I had to remove each button from every scene, remove the KPL from the ISY and re-add it asking for a complete reset. Once re-added, the KPL can be programmed just as it should.


When trying to program my KPL before removing them from the ISY, the backlight of the KPL was turning off and I was forced to hard reset them with the small pull button at their bottom.


Now, my RemoteLinc is doing the same. I removed all of the control, factory-reset it and re-added it in the ISY. When I realized I was unable to adjust the On Level of a KPL button inside a scene (see my last post about that), I created a dedicated scene for that button. I tried to remove the RL from the first scene and add it in the new dedicated one : Failure!


Unable to restore it, I removed it again, factory reset it again and restart. When in this unwritable stage, the RL appears with a small logo of 1 and 0 on its left, in a brown color.


Any idea what can corrupt my KPL / RL ?



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Hi Jacques,


I think you may have PLM communications issues. The main question I have is whether or not you can query your whole network. And, if not, which devices do not respond?


Has anything changed in your environment? New lamps? New TV? Changing the location of devices?


With kind regards,


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Hello Michel,


I'm not sure about the quality of my communication... Manually, I can query any device on my network. I also have a scene containing almost all of my devices and the results of a scene test on it seems pretty bad. The report says that a lot of devices failed the test. Still, I can manually query them and they answer.


Recently, I re-painted a room and for that, moved an access point out of my way. I put it back where it was after my last post and have been able to re-add and re-program my RL since. (after a lot of error but still done)


I have a access point plugged in the PLM at one end of my condo, very close to the electrical panel and in the first phase. I have 2 others AP, at the other end of the condo and these 2 are on 2 different circuit on the second phase.


I will try to move them and re-use my mega-scene test to find the best position for them.


Thanks for the input,



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I really start asking myself about how good a scene test is... My best results are with only 2 of my 3 access point plugged in. The only device that never succeeds the scene test is the button No 5 of my Controlinc. (this button is a controler of the scene I'm testing and it works fine).


But even with these 2 AP, the same test of the same scene can give me all succeeded (except the ControlInc)... or give me about 25 failure all over the place! 2 tests of this scene, less than 1 minute apart, were that far from each other! (counting multiple failure for multiple button on the same KPL)


I have 43 devices all over my condo : switches, dimmers, KeypadLincs (6 or 8 buttons), OutletLinc, ApplianceLinc and IOLinc. Over that are my PLM, my access point and my Controlinc. ( I count KPD as a single device)


Is not the network supposed to be more reliable when adding more devices ?


Am I supposed to have "All succeeded" when testing my biggest scene (contains 36 devices ; again counting only 1 per KPL) each and every time ?


Is there other / better ways for testing my communications ?


Thanks for your help,



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A suggestion for your tests :


Don't do them with too large scenes.


When a scene is too large (still need to figure out how large is too large), too many "Acks" are sent together and many of them are just lost.


When testing my network small scenes at a time (up to 5 devices per scene), I hit the 100% almost all the time (3 test per scene ; for each of the scene until almost everything have been covered).


When testing my network with either of my 2 big scenes, I frequently receive up to 50% of failure.


2 or 3 AP don't help here.


So, I'm back in business, with a network reliable and now fully configured.



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Hi Jacques,


Thanks so very much for the update. The Scene Test should be used as the means of finding the weakest links since it sends a command with 1 hop ...


As far as your controLinc, I think we have a bug since that button should not even be included in the Test (it's a controller only and one should not expect any responses from it).


With kind regards,


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