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Smarthome PLM Rev 2.4 Firm 61 Supported?


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Hello Mr. Abraham,


We have not yet tested 61 but it's simply a successor to 58 and, as such, I do not think there's a problem. What we have found, though, is that on some PLMs you have to push the black cable really hard into the PLM before it makes a connection.


In the meantime, I am awaiting the confirmation of your shipping address to send you a new ISY/PLM combination since you've already gone through too much. I have personally tested this combination (you still have to push the black cable in hard into the PLM) to make sure there are no surprises.


With kind regards,



I just received a new PLM from Smarthome marked Rev 2.4 Firm 61. Has this version been tested and approved for use with the ISY-26?




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Hi Brian,


Thanks so very much for the info. We do know all about deleting link records problem since we brough it to their attention. I've just received a batch of 61s which we are going to test thoroughly. So far, they seem superior to the previous version and I am quite grateful to SH that they released it so quickly.


Thanks again and with kind regards,



Michel; If you have access to the SDK forums. You may find a message from Caroline interesting with Firmware 61 in the PLM. The NDA has me not saying too much. Has to do with Deleting Link Record.
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Yes I was kind of surprised that I go two with 61 as I expected a lower version.

Since the link thing is known; I would guess that you are handleing it with your software.

I will be getting your new version software when it is publically released.


Thanks again for all you support. I wish all the vendors where this helpful.

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My PLM locked up last night for the 4th time in 9 days or so. I unplugged it a few hours ago and will ty it again soon.


Later I will call SH yet again and ask if I can swap it. Anyone know of a good person to ask for in CS that is aware of this problem? So far Jason and Wendy are not aware of any bugs and said SH is not exchanging older PLM's. I can however send everything back for a full refund since I am within 30 days.

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I think Joe might be able to help you. If you run into any problems, I will send you a PLM myself and you can return yours to me.


With kind regards,



My PLM locked up last night for the 4th time in 9 days or so. I unplugged it a few hours ago and will ty it again soon.


Later I will call SH yet again and ask if I can swap it. Anyone know of a good person to ask for in CS that is aware of this problem? So far Jason and Wendy are not aware of any bugs and said SH is not exchanging older PLM's. I can however send everything back for a full refund since I am within 30 days.

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I think Joe might be able to help you. If you run into any problems, I will send you a PLM myself and you can return yours to me.


With kind regards,



My PLM locked up last night for the 4th time in 9 days or so. I unplugged it a few hours ago and will ty it again soon.


Later I will call SH yet again and ask if I can swap it. Anyone know of a good person to ask for in CS that is aware of this problem? So far Jason and Wendy are not aware of any bugs and said SH is not exchanging older PLM's. I can however send everything back for a full refund since I am within 30 days.


I dont know Joe but I spoke with Tim today who gave me teh scoop on things. No change since 6 months ago. They will not exchange any of my defective devices (bought there or not). They claimed they could not find where I bought anything from them yet I found abuot 10 orders on their system alone. They are playing games.


I will probably return the PLM and the ISY and call it quits (they wont exchange that wither but I can return it for a full refund if I hurry) To bad I really liked the ISY. They are impossible to deal with. Always an excuse why they cant honor the warranty.


SH claims they are not the mfg yet every device SL supposedly makes has SH name on it. The box says SH and 2 yr warranty and the SH 1-800 number. Yet they say if you bought a device elsewhere take it up with them. Home Depot will only take a return hte first 90 days and wants nothing to do with it after that and says to contact the mfg for their warranty. Well SH = SL and they deny the warranty exchange.... soooo


Everything goes in the trash thats more than 30 days old from SH and I cant recoup the $3k I spent on their products (actually more than that now).


HORRIBLE CS in that company and they really dont care. They pissed me off again (ok everyone duck LOL)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received my new PLM's from SmartHome.

They are Rev 2.6. Ido not see any difference from my old 2.4's,

except the LED's act differently.

I have not been able to find info ont the different FW changes.


I am still having my other problems, though.

I will post it in my oringinal thread.

(Sorry Michel, going to bother you some more!) :roll:

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The new PLMs do not have a FIRM label. So, you are OK.


Don't worry about bothering me ... we have to get your situation resolved!


With kind regards,



I just received my new PLM's from SmartHome.

They are Rev 2.6. Ido not see any difference from my old 2.4's,

except the LED's act differently.

I have not been able to find info ont the different FW changes.


I am still having my other problems, though.

I will post it in my oringinal thread.

(Sorry Michel, going to bother you some more!) :roll:

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I have two PLMs with hardware Rev. 2.4. One is FW 5.2 and the other 6.1.

Both are 2414S Serial PLCs with the firmware of a PLM. Also both have the PLC Serial Daughter Cards in them. RTC [most likely not used] and the larger EEPROM; though I don't know if the added EEPROM size is being used. NO TTL outputs either. Maybe they are using all the serial PLCs for PLMs; as they are backordered by Smarthome till early March 2008!

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Send me the stuff over 30 days old instead of putting it in the trash. I'll use them as spares to keep my system going when things fail out of warranty!


Maybe I should send you all of the dead ones so you can get brand new ones LOL. Do they ask you where did you buy which address switch?

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