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Trouble with keypad buttons as responders


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Simply put, I am writing a scene where keypad button A is meant to control Keypad buttons a,b,c,d, on a second keypad. I set the responder buttons to go off by highlighting the controller in the scene list and setting the responder buttons to off but the buttons still go on when the controller is activated locally! I have had succes shutting of buttons in this fasion before but only when restricted to a single pad. Is there a glitch preventing this when using two pads?


No, its a keypad button, not a remote link. In the scene setting you can select on or off ( the ramp speed is greyed out) but the button doesnt repond.


Perhaps some clarification would be useful. You have defined a Scene where KPLA Secondary button A is the Controller and KPLB Secondary buttons A.B,C,D are Responders. Is that the configuration? If this is the configuration you cannot specify at the individual responder level an ON or OFF for a Secondary KPL button. When you press KPLA button A ON KPLB buttons A,B,C,D should turn ON and when you press KPLA button A OFF KPLB buttons A,B,C,D should turn OFF. That is pretty basic Insteon stuff which makes me think the actual configuration may not be understood on this end. Thanks


I recall that you cannot turn off a KPL button by the ISY. However, I think you can put the button into a scene and control the button indirectly, through the scene.


oberkc, you are correct. KPL secondary buttons cannot be turned ON or OFF directly from a Program as there is No Insteon SD Direct command to do that. The Insteon SD Direct commands work on the load buttons but not the secondary buttons. Also correct that a KPL Secondary button can be a responder in a Scene just like any other responder (except bright level percentage cannot be specified). When the Set Scene ON is issued the KPL secondary button will turn On, when the Set Scene OFF is issued the KPL secondary button will turn Off.


LeeG, you have the correct scene config. Button A on KPLA controls Several secondary buttons on KPLB. When I bring up the scene in the administrative console and highlight the controller ( KPLA A button) on the left the scene list on the rightgives me on/off and ramp options for each member of the scene including the KPLB secondary buttons ( whose ramp options are of course greyed out). Even though I set these buttons to "off" with these options they still turn on with the scene. The software was clearly designed to allow for the scene to shut off a button just like any other responder can be shut off with a scene activation, I just can't figure out why its not working. The intent by the way is that when I activate the KPLA "A" scene I want KPLB buttons to be off since the scenes they conrol are overidden by the scene activated by KPLA "A".


Thanks for the information on the Scene. Unfortunately as Michel described in his first response. KeypadLinc hardware does not support turning a Scene ON (using the Insteon ON command) and have a Secondary KeypadLinc button(s) turn OFF. This works for all other devices I have tested. SwitchLincs, ICON switches, even the load control button on KeypadLincs (ON/OFF in 6 button mode, Main in 8 button mode). However, KeypadLinc Secondary buttons do not honor the Bright Level (LD1 value) in the Responder to link record in the responder KeypadLinc. You can display the link records in the responder KeypadLinc and the Bright Level (the first byte of the last three bytes of data in the link record) has in fact been set to 0x00 to represent OFF but the KPL hardware ignores it. The KPL, for Secondary buttons only, uses the Insteon command ONLY to determine if the button LED is to be turned ON or OFF.


To accomplish turning OFF Secondary KPL buttons they can be defined in a Scene unique to the Secondary buttons and turn that Scene OFF.


There was one alpha firmware which displayed the buttons but it didn't work and was deprecated. What firmware version are you running on the ISY? Help | About.




When I bring up the scene in the administrative console and highlight the controller ( KPLA A button) on the left the scene list on the rightgives me on/off and ramp options for each member of the scene including the KPLB secondary buttons ( whose ramp options are of course greyed out).

I am running 2.7.15. If the Controller of the Scene is a KPL the buttons are listed with the Bright level slider. If the Controller of the Scene is something other like a RemoteLinc the KPL buttons with the Bright level slider are not displayed. The buttons do show as responders , just the display of the buttons with the sliders is not when the Controller of the Scene is not a KPL.

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