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Cannot arm based on KPL press


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Running 2.7.15... I have updated all firmware for the ElkM1G, M1XEP (including bootware) and am able to arm the system by entering my code and pressing arm away or arm stay. However, I am trying to have the system arm when a KPL button is pressed, and am having no luck. I have the IF condition set as the Control for that KPL being switched to on, but for the THEN action I simply don't have any options that involve the Elk. Nada... I've look under System and everywhere else, but the ISY just doesn't seem to realize I have an Elk when it comes to a program. I've set the port to both 2101 and 2601, and neither works. One ineresting note: When I try to save my access code, it doesn't seem to "take", and usually locks up the ISY, requiring a reboot.


Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks!


Hi madcodger,


Long time no see! Hope all is well.


The reason you do not see any options is because that option is NOT yet available. We are working on an ELK module with brings ELK parameters into ISY programs. This said, however, we are still working on it.


You can always use ELK's programming logic to sense a KPL button press and arm/disarm within ELK (till we get the ELM module out).


With kind regards,



Thanks, Michel. Yes, it has been a while, although I've tried to "lurk" now and then on the board, just to stay current. The job has been excessively busy and time-consuming for the last several months, and we just sold our house and are buying a new one a few miles away, so free time for the hobby has been in short supply. In fact, the move is the reason I wanted to make sure the ISY and Elk are working well, as I'm leaving both with the new owners. I plan to buy a new one of each for the new house, though, assuming I stay with Insteon (which is likely). They finally seem to have the bugs worked out and, to their credit, replaced my problem switches under warranty. My only concern with them now is the 1 watt phantom load, as we may go solar in the new house in a few years. If not, do you make a UPB or z-wave version of ISY yet?


As for the Elk module, that will be a welcome addition to many, I'm sure! I'll try the workaround you suggest in the interim. Thanks for the great service and support - you folks really are the best in the business at it.




Hi Joe,


Congratulations on the new house. ELK module is at top of our priorities and we should have it done.


We do not have ZWave support mostly because of not being able to do all the things we do with INSTEON ... UPB should be out shortly and sold through PCS.


With kind regards,



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