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2477D Dual Band SwitchLinc Dimmer

Brian H

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Hi Guys,


We have included support for this device in 2.8.1. While testing, I noticed something quite peculiar:

Every time the device is activated physically, non only it sends the on/off/etc. command but also it sends a very strange message (something that complies to NO INSTEON specs whatsoever) ... we had to put code to specifically ignore this second message.


With kind regards,


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I was told that it's used for testing but that it might end up in production because it might help customers. Without knowing what it does, I cannot comment on how it can help but I am hoping that perhaps it provides either S/N ratio or the power being drawn or something really useful. I do trust the our SH contact so I am rather optimistic.


With kind regards,


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Since it does not comply with INSTEON spec and is there for testing I will have to agree with Michel and have to wonder if its raw data from the device... such as S/N ratio, current draw, and other performance data. I hope we are correct.


Michel, Do you have a sample of it to post that we can all discuss?

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  • 2 months later...

I just bought and installed 5 of the 2477D dual-band dimmers to try out. Based on posts above I upgraded my 99i to 2.84 beta since 2.81 and newer are supposed to support this new dimmer - right? Problem is that there is no new device type for this dimmer and if given the choice my ISY is just saying that it is an unknown device. I am therefore manually adding these dimmers as plain 2476D dimmers.


Anybody else had this issue when adding these new dimmers?

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That's strange - I don't have the 2477D listed when I manually add. I have looked through the list several times to make sure I am not just overlooking it, confirmed that I have version 2.84 installed. Wonder if I need to reinstall the firmware ...

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I have the 2477D entry at 2.8.4. They are NOT in numeric order. This is an Admin Console function which suggests the Java cache may not have cleared as expected. There is a URL link to the 2.8.4 Admin Console from the UDI site. Searching for 2.8.4 I think will find that link, along with other things.

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Yep, I realize they are not in numerical order - thus my comment that I searched the list several times. The Java cache was cleared.


I actually just finished going back to an older firmware, cleared the Java cache again, downloaded a fresh copy of 2.84 beta, manually upgraded to it 2.8.4(again), cleared the Java cache - all with the same results that I previously had (no 2477D device listed).


As far as the admin console link from the UDI site - can't find it. My 99i is reporting that it is running 2.8.4 though

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I am considering dumping the access points I have installed and trying to do the same job by simply replacing some more of my older insteon dimmers with the dual-band dimmers. I have replaced the 4 PLMs in my system with dual-band and a few of the lamplincs with dual-band.


On some other thread a comment was made about reliability would possible decline if too many access points were installed. What would be the reason for this? I thought I remembered from my Insteon 101 class at Smarthomepro that these devices were "polite" and traffic collisions really was not a problem.

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1 PLM for the ISY, 3 additional PLM attached to EZIO8SAs that control irrigation valves. 1st irrigation PLM is located about 200 feet from house perimeter if you stretched its power supply straight but within about 80 feet of an access point by line of sight. Dual-band PLM seemed like the way to go.


I have always had a LOT of line noise at my place. Yes, I have a blocking coupler on the inbound power line. X-10 would never work reliably - even with numerous filters on "noise makers". It seemed that there would be "blasts" of noise at fairly regular times in the house but could never pinpoint it. Reeked havoc on X-10


Insteon has been much better.

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  • 1 month later...

I plan on using just the dual band switch linc dimmers in my home with out the dual band lamp lincs that came with my set.


To see how well they perform compared to the lamplinc's. If they prove just as rock solid as the other two units I will relie soley on these switchlincs to provide phase coupling throughout the installation.


I will create a new thread documenting the pro's and con's of going this route.


1. Verify that the signal strength is as strong as the dual band lamplincs.


2. Confirm having more dual band devices strengthens the mesh network.


3. Validate the amount of Insteon traffic is less going this route.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone really put the dual band units to the test? Can you blast them with power line noise and still have proper function? I have a transformer that dessimates my insteon communication so if the dual band works through that it should work through anything (I have it filtered). I just bought six more 2476d's with the 20% sale, I probably should have picked up a couple of the 2477's but didn't think of it.


What about power consumption? Maybe we could get Indymike to buy some and test them. I really hope his .25watt readings on the latest 2476d's is correct. That is spectacular.

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The spec sheet indicates these devices to consume less than 1 watt. So it does confirm the findings from IndyMike. :D


I am in the middle of testing my Insteon system with only the dual band switch lincs.


Now, having said that I can't say it will be 100% accurate as I have two dual band lamplincs, 2413S dual band PLM, and a dual band USB PLM for the houselinc in place too.


Once everything is in play, I will systematically remove each PLM, and dual band lamplinc and see IF the system is still stable.


Right now I have bigger fish to fry as my ISY just took a dump! :evil:

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