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Which PLM for ISY-99? 2412S or the New Dual-Band 2413S?


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Hi everyone!


I am considering getting the ISY-99i. My question is if I should get with it the old 2412S PLM or the new dual band 2413S? Aside from the fact that it's dual band does the 2413S do anything better than the 2412S? Does it have any problems that the 2412S didn't have?


Currently SH does not have the 2413S in stock and it is expected in stock on 11/30 (!) and as a result the ISY-99i kits will also be available only on 11/30. They don't have the old 2412S anymore but they do have a refurbished 2412S.


My 2413S works fine for me also.


I did notice maybe a slightly faster response to a system wide query with it over a 2412S.


The 2413S has a faster link database memory in it but is smaller size than the 2412S has. Though unless you had a real large system. It would not matter too much


Wow 11/30/10. :roll:


Lets hope it is a mistake.

I looked on the Smarthome site and any version ISY kit and the 2413S alone are all listed with the 11/30/10 expected ship date.


I wounder if any one has tried the Simplehomenet EZIComm 2412S replacement?

You could see if Smarthome is willing to send you one of the 2412S until they get the 2413S in stock at which point they could exchange it for the dual band then with charging the price diff of course.


On their website it says that the 2412S has been discontinued. The only option with SmartHome for now is to buy the ISY sperately and a refurbished 2412S seperately. Or buy from other 3rd party websites.


With that long of a lead time.

Hopefully someone at Smarthome may make a ISY99i and 2412SR package available.


I didn't see them offering the ISY99i line separately any more. Just in the 2413S packages.

With that long of a lead time.

Hopefully someone at Smarthome may make a ISY99i and 2412SR package available.


I didn't see them offering the ISY99i line separately any more. Just in the 2413S packages.


They don't offer it seperately on their normal pages or when doing a search. But when on the page of one of the kits and you scroll down the page to "Specifications", there is a link there which would take you to a page offering the applicablle ISY99 version as a standalone.


Here is a link to the ISY99/IR Pro as a standalone:




Yes they have changed their minds a few times. :(


There is also a thread here basically saying the same thing.

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... sc&start=0


I can verify what Michel said.


The 2412S is now listed in the Discontinued Equipment Section where you can get the manual for it and the 2413S is the recommended replacement.


I guess at least for now the 2412SR maybe available.

Just looked at the Smarthome Web Site.

The 11/30/10 date may have been an error.

It now says 08/20/10 for expected stock.


I have see this many times on their website... I think the website automatically shows about a 90 day wait at first when the product first sells out then someone over at Smarthome corrects it when they know the real date. This is a guess of course but it seems to behave this way. I usually give them another day or two and check again for the real number.


I have my order in for this PLM as well, shows a ship date of 8/20.


I submitted this order today along with an ISY-99i Pro/IR, 7 Switchlinc's, Venstar thermostat, and a direct wire phase coupler. This should keep me busy for a while, I'm new to the game.

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