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Misc question on new ISY.


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Ok new or should I say refurb ISY-26 owner here. Anyway I've been just playing with it and so far here is what I've noticed or had questions about that I couldn't find the answer to readily.


1. What am I missing out on compared to the ISY-99. (I don't care about weatherbug and the other plug-ins or IR capability) Now what I do care about is performance. I upgraded to the ISY from a Smartlinc because I wanted programs and I wanted the ability to write things to each device remotely. Now I thought that was going to be a big time saver vs. manually creating scenes at the devices. However I've found out already that this process takes forever. Every time I make a slight change to anything it shows status as writing to all devices including my remotelinc that has no buttons related to the device I made the change on. I mean it really takes two minutes or so to create a new scene that I could have done locally at the switchlincs in 10-15 seconds. Is this normal and is there anything I can do to speed this up?


2. My ISY-26 doesn't get power from the 2412S. I have to use another external power supply. I thought I read that it does supply power.


3. My NTP time server never works. It always gives me an error.



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Nathan: Welcome. I won't try to explain the linking functions, others here with WAY MORE experience and will chime in I'm sure. I will though make some comments on your bullets...


1) ISY-26 served me well for years. In my small (35 device) setup it worked very well. I upgraded mainly for the network module (so I could interact via the net to cameras and other things. UDI will probably cut back on support via firmware I'm sure at some time.


2) The old PLM's powered through the ethernet cable, the new version that I just installed does not power my 99, it is again powered through its own wall plug. I have had much better performance (and reliability) from the new PLM. My memory is short, but I believe the 26 never was powered through a PLM


3) If NTP is not working I would suggest that you visit the WIKI and double-check your router settings and the IP assignment within your 26. It sounds like your not on the net. (Can you access ISY remotely?)


Good luck, this device has made my system what Smarthome always wanted Insteon to be.



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Nathan: Welcome. I won't try to explain the linking functions, others here with WAY MORE experience and will chime in I'm sure. I will though make some comments on your bullets...


1) ISY-26 served me well for years. In my small (35 device) setup it worked very well. I upgraded mainly for the network module (so I could interact via the net to cameras and other things. UDI will probably cut back on support via firmware I'm sure at some time.


2) The old PLM's powered through the ethernet cable, the new version that I just installed does not power my 99, it is again powered through its own wall plug. I have had much better performance (and reliability) from the new PLM. My memory is short, but I believe the 26 never was powered through a PLM


3) If NTP is not working I would suggest that you visit the WIKI and double-check your router settings and the IP assignment within your 26. It sounds like your not on the net. (Can you access ISY remotely?)


Good luck, this device has made my system what Smarthome always wanted Insteon to be.




1. Network module - Yes having the ability to access cameras remotely is tempting, however I think most ip cameras today have this built in, but I'm curious what the advantage to accessing them through the ISY is?


Actually looks like they dropped updates for the ISY-26 in the newest beta firmware. So that just took place. Maybe they have an upgrade discount.


2. This isn't a huge issue.


3. Yes I can access remotely and do so via the mobilinc app on my iphone which is brilliant. This makes me feel like everything is setup correctly as far as network/router settings.

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On the UDI sales page there are upgrade options from an ISY26 to all the model ISY99i's.


The ISY26 did not get power from the PLM and was always supplied with the external wall wart.


In fact I have my ISY26's wall wart powering my ISY99i with 2413S Dual Band PLM.

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1) I use Panasonic. A gentleman on this forum (still waiting for him to post the code here for others) wrote some code for me that allows me to push a KPL button (triggers ISY's network module) then sends CGI Transfer code over the net to arm/disarm my cameras. I have a HOME/AWAY program written in my ISY which does a ton of stuff for me when home or away. When I switch modes, the cameras (many) arm and disarm, thus eliminating easily 15 minutes of time and headache. In essence, anything the camera is capable of can be controlled by ISY.


2) Not sure why this is a deal breaker for you, just another plug!


3) Experiment with another NTP site, there are 100's, might just be a no good site?


Hope this helps,



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1) I use Panasonic. A gentleman on this forum (still waiting for him to post the code here for others) wrote some code for me that allows me to push a KPL button (triggers ISY's network module) then sends CGI Transfer code over the net to arm/disarm my cameras. I have a HOME/AWAY program written in my ISY which does a ton of stuff for me when home or away. When I switch modes, the cameras (many) arm and disarm, thus eliminating easily 15 minutes of time and headache. In essence, anything the camera is capable of can be controlled by ISY.


2) Not sure why this is a deal breaker for you, just another plug!


3) Experiment with another NTP site, there are 100's, might just be a no good site?


Hope this helps,




1. If I add any ip cameras I'm sure I would have them on all the time so that's not a huge issue, but I see why it could be.


2. It isn't a deal breaker. I said it isn't a huge issue. :)


3. Yeah I'll mess around with it.



Still very curious as why it's taking so long program small changes or new scenes involving only a few devices. This is really me being impatient here, but seriously when I setup a new scene involving a keypadlinc button and one switchlinc it has progress bar after progress bar after progress bar. It shows it's writing to other devices unrelated. Is there an option to have it start the long writing process only after you are done making all the changes to scenes/devices? I feel like I'm Peter in Office Space when he's trying to duck out early on Friday. Also I feel like I'm getting ahead of it creating scenes and I always wait until it's totally done to go to the next scene. Like I said a minor complaint, but then again I was amazed that the iphone 3gs loaded yahoo.com in 5 seconds vs. the iphone 3g in about 17. So that gives you an idea of where I'm coming from. :lol:

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Is there an option to have it start the long writing process only after you are done making all the changes to scenes/devices


Yes, I thought one of the recent versions allowed holding off writing changes until they were all done.


Like Brian H said, I also suspect intermittent communication issues. When communication is good (at least in my house), writing changes is relatively quick.

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v92 on the plm

Tried the scene test and it did nothing. Checked the event log and it's constantly trying to set time from ntp. Like every 5 seconds. I have no idea why it is doing this because I have it set for every 24 hours. It still is giving me errors on that. It says dns error.


Update again--


Ok I disabled the NTP sync and saved that. Ran the scene test on a simple scene with 2 controllers (keypadlinc buttons) and one lamplinc. It gives me failed messages. I'm not sure what this means, but I do know that my system works perfectlyt. It always works. I tested this scene 50 times on and off and everything is working perfectly and the light turns on immediately with no delay as do the keypadlinc buttons, but when I run a scene test on that scene it takes 2+ mins and it shows a failed message.

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I understand that the scene test is an indication of communication difficulties. I understand that the scene test is simply a check of communication with fewer attempts than normal, so, yes, it can fail a scene test and your programs still work, but I would take this as further evidence of a rough communication environment. This would certainly explain why your system takes so long to write changes. I would not ignore the failed scene test.


Do you use access points or dual-band devices? Are you confident that they are set on different legs of your electrical system? Do you have mulitple electric panels? Do you use any filters on any electrical devices in your house (and, specifically, the computer system itself)? Is the PLM on the same circuit as your computer system or home theater system?


Answers to these questions may help isolate your problem.

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I understand that the scene test is an indication of communication difficulties. I understand that the scene test is simply a check of communication with fewer attempts than normal, so, yes, it can fail a scene test and your programs still work, but I would take this as further evidence of a rough communication environment. This would certainly explain why your system takes so long to write changes. I would not ignore the failed scene test.


Do you use access points or dual-band devices? Are you confident that they are set on different legs of your electrical system? Do you have mulitple electric panels? Do you use any filters on any electrical devices in your house (and, specifically, the computer system itself)? Is the PLM on the same circuit as your computer system or home theater system?


Answers to these questions may help isolate your problem.



I have two dual band access points. I haven't checked to see if I'm on different legs of the electrical system, but I never really thought it was an issue since everything works. I have actually been surprised at how well everything has worked. I do have multiple electrical panels. No filters and the PLM is on the same circuit as my PC. Should I just put one dual band device on something controlled by each panel? They will be on different legs, right?

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Computer power supplies are known problem makers.

You may want to use a FilterLinc on the PCs power as a start.

I have one on my APC BX1000 UPS and the PLM is in the pass through outlet of the FilterLinc.


Checking the Access Points with their built in test function may also yield some added information.

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I have actually been surprised at how well everything has worked. I do have multiple electrical panels.


It appears that, perhaps, it is not working as well as you thought. Even if devices eventually respond, sometimes the response is slower if the communication is marginal. If too slow, I think there is a chance of signal "collision" and subsequent problems.


I have two dual band access points. I haven't checked to see if I'm on different legs of the electrical system, but I never really thought it was an issue since everything works.


I would definitely dig out the instructions for these and make sure they are on separate phases. Since this costs nothing but a little time, I suggest starting here. Once you are sure they are on different phases, run the scene test again and see if it passes. If so, problem solved (maybe).


I do have multiple electrical panels. Should I just put one dual band device on something controlled by each panel? They will be on different legs, right?


Being on separate panels does NOT guarantee being on separage phases. Furthermore, there can be problems if your panels are on seperate feeds from the transformer. Assuming you have a single feed to the house supplying power, I am guessing you are likely able to communicate between panels. You still have to ensure they are on separate phases. Again, the instructions describe how to do this.


No filters and the PLM is on the same circuit as my PC.


Based on my experience and from my readings of this forum, I think it likely that you are seeing communication problems resulting from interference and signal degradation from your computer system. If the access points don't solve your problem, then I would start with a filter on your computer electronics. (Keep your plm off the filtered power.)


If you would like to do a crude check to see if this is an issue, get an extension cord and plug it into a circuit separate from that which powers your computer system. Plug the PLM into the extension cord. Run your scene test.....see if this helps.


If, after confirming access points are properly located and powering plm from different circuit, your problems persist, the next steps are likely finding other offending devices in your house and filtering them.

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I have actually been surprised at how well everything has worked. I do have multiple electrical panels.


It appears that, perhaps, it is not working as well as you thought. Even if devices eventually respond, sometimes the response is slower if the communication is marginal. If too slow, I think there is a chance of signal "collision" and subsequent problems.


I have two dual band access points. I haven't checked to see if I'm on different legs of the electrical system, but I never really thought it was an issue since everything works.


I would definitely dig out the instructions for these and make sure they are on separate phases. Since this costs nothing but a little time, I suggest starting here. Once you are sure they are on different phases, run the scene test again and see if it passes. If so, problem solved (maybe).


I do have multiple electrical panels. Should I just put one dual band device on something controlled by each panel? They will be on different legs, right?


Being on separate panels does NOT guarantee being on separage phases. Furthermore, there can be problems if your panels are on seperate feeds from the transformer. Assuming you have a single feed to the house supplying power, I am guessing you are likely able to communicate between panels. You still have to ensure they are on separate phases. Again, the instructions describe how to do this.


No filters and the PLM is on the same circuit as my PC.


Based on my experience and from my readings of this forum, I think it likely that you are seeing communication problems resulting from interference and signal degradation from your computer system. If the access points don't solve your problem, then I would start with a filter on your computer electronics. (Keep your plm off the filtered power.)


If you would like to do a crude check to see if this is an issue, get an extension cord and plug it into a circuit separate from that which powers your computer system. Plug the PLM into the extension cord. Run your scene test.....see if this helps.


If, after confirming access points are properly located and powering plm from different circuit, your problems persist, the next steps are likely finding other offending devices in your house and filtering them.

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