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Local Load question

yardman 49

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Hello Michel:


I'm currently running 2.4.15.


I just noticed something that may have always been this way, but I'm not certain.


When setting the ramp rate of a Togglelinc dimmer or LampLinc, although I can change the local ramp rate slider, it will not change the dim rate when the light is turned on or off from the ISY GUI.


I knew that you could not change the rate at the switch via the GUI without an air gap being done, but I thought that I remembered that the GUI ramp rate slider would change the ramp rate when the device was directly controlled by the GUI. And by "directly controlled", I also mean not as part of a group, but directly from the lighting view.


If this is "normal", then I was wondering if you could change the device "ramp rate sliders" in the GUI ton say "Applied Locally", the same as for the controller devices in the scenes. That way, several months from now when I've forgotten this again, I will see the ramp sliders in red and say "oh, that won't work without doing an air gap".




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You do need an airgap either way. Currently we mimic the on level by sending an on command with the level. That cannot be done for the ramprate. In I2 (INSTEON 2), we can specify both the on level and ramp rate from the PLM.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel:


I'm currently running 2.4.15.


I just noticed something that may have always been this way, but I'm not certain.


When setting the ramp rate of a Togglelinc dimmer or LampLinc, although I can change the local ramp rate slider, it will not change the dim rate when the light is turned on or off from the ISY GUI.


I knew that you could not change the rate at the switch via the GUI without an air gap being done, but I thought that I remembered that the GUI ramp rate slider would change the ramp rate when the device was directly controlled by the GUI. And by "directly controlled", I also mean not as part of a group, but directly from the lighting view.


If this is "normal", then I was wondering if you could change the device "ramp rate sliders" in the GUI ton say "Applied Locally", the same as for the controller devices in the scenes. That way, several months from now when I've forgotten this again, I will see the ramp sliders in red and say "oh, that won't work without doing an air gap".




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Greetings Michel:


you wrote:

In I2 (INSTEON 2), we can specify both the on level and ramp rate from the PLM.


I guess that I missed this somewhere. Maybe I was sleeping in class! But what is Insteon 2, when will it be available, and what effect will it have on the ISY??





Also: what did you think about my request?


If this is "normal", then I was wondering if you could change the device "ramp rate sliders" in the GUI to say "Applied Locally", the same as for the controller devices in the scenes. That way, several months from now when I've forgotten this again, I will see the ramp sliders in red and say "oh, that won't work without doing an air gap".



I wasn't just asking this for myself, really. It just would seem to be a lot less confusing for everyone if the GUI somehow showed in the lighting control view that we really don't have the ability to control the ramp rate, even through direct ISY control.



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Greetings Frank!



you wrote:

In I2 (INSTEON 2), we can specify both the on level and ramp rate from the PLM.


I guess that I missed this somewhere. Maybe I was sleeping in class! But what is Insteon 2, when will it be available, and what effect will it have on the ISY??


They are out! For instance, KPL 1.5 has the I2 engine and so does the RL. The impact on ISY is that we have to now do conditional logic to figure out which version we are dealing with and then act accordingly. We have not yet incorporated full support for KPL 1.5!



Also: what did you think about my request?


If this is "normal", then I was wondering if you could change the device "ramp rate sliders" in the GUI to say "Applied Locally", the same as for the controller devices in the scenes. That way, several months from now when I've forgotten this again, I will see the ramp sliders in red and say "oh, that won't work without doing an air gap".

Good idea! It's already entered in our bug/enhancement database.


With kind regards,


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Hello Michel:


you wrote:

They are out! For instance, KPL 1.5 has the I2 engine and so does the RL. The impact on ISY is that we have to now do conditional logic to figure out which version we are dealing with and then act accordingly. We have not yet incorporated full support for KPL 1.5!


Thanks so much for the explanation.


I'm going to start a new thread and see if you, Chris, MikeB, or anyone else on here knows exactly what changes we can expect from I2.


Best wishes,

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