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Cannot http/telnet to a new second hand ISY-99i


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Hi there,


I bought a used ISY-99i on eBay and I'm having trouble connecting to it.


I plugged it to the router and I see DHCP assigned this IP to it:




I can ping it but cannot telnet nor connect with browser to


I did the reset to factory defaults, no change.


Any pointers what to do? Thanks!






Pinging with 32 bytes of data:


Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=60

Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60

Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=60

Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=60


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 37ms, Average = 11ms

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Your router indicates ISY26-Home-Auto?

Mine says ISY99-Home-Auto.


You may want to verify the model you purchased. I just looked on EBay and only found ISY26s.


Telnet can be disabled. Maybe the former owner turned it off.


You may find information in the UDI wiki or the Full Users Manual

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... =Main_Page

http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/i ... rguide.pdf


I believe a Factory Reset would clear everything out and turn telnet back on. Though you may want to wait for feedback from others to confirm this before you tried it.


Did you get a 2412S or 2413S for the PLM that goes with the ISY26 or ISY99i?

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Hi raaka,


The ONLY way to reset an ISY-26 is through Telnet or to use a null modem serial cable and HyperTerminal.




If the user/password are not the default admin/admin you will need to reset the password before you can use either.




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Thanks for the added information.

I am thinking my EBay search didn't find it as it was closed. :)

Yes the photos and description are of an ISY99i.

I am also curious as to why it would be called an ISY26 in your routers table.

Glad to hear the 2412S was also in the package deal.


You may want to look at the links Rand and I gave you. For more information.


If you have a firewall. You may have to tell it your ISY99is address is trusted. I know my Zone Alarm must have its address added to the Trusted Zone.

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Hello raaka,


You might have an older firmware where the telnet port was 126 instead of the default.


As such, please try:

telnet 126


If this works, then we know the reason why you cannot get to it from the browser: the old firmware used to have a different port for each ISY.


So, if telnet is successful, at the shell you will see the exact URL for your ISY. Once you got that, then you will HAVE to upgrade the firmware.


Also, you can figure out the URL for your ISY by:

1. Going to your Network dialog (on Windows) ... if you have UPnP enabled, it shows up as My Lighting

2. Go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i


With kind regards,


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Thanks a lot, got in using telnet port 126 :


Please Log in





Welcome to ISY Shell

CT - Configure TCP/IP

CL - Configure max log size

LS - List files/directories

SU - Show external url

SM - Show memory utilization

ST - Show system time

DT - Disable telnet

EI - Enable internet access

XS - Exit the shell

RS - Reboot the system

RL - Reset login to admin/admin

FR - Factory reset

MN - Menu

VE - Display Version

DBG - Debug [0|1|2]>INSTALLING NEW FIRMWARE CODE/insteon.img



Product: (1020) ISY 99i 256

App: Insteon_UD99

Platform: ISY-C-99

Version: 2.7.15

Build Date: 2010-04-20-12:58:59

Other Services:

- Programs Enabled

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Hello raaka,


Excellent! I assume you can now log in to the Admin Console, correct?


Just by the virtue of having such an old firmware (more than 2 years old), I suspect your PLM is probably as old. I must warn you that older PLMs (firmware 72 and below) had many bugs that have now been fixed. If you have an older PLM, I strongly recommend getting it replaced with 2413S.


With kind regards,


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Show PLM Info/Status

It will give you the PLMs six digit ID, firmware version and connected.


If you decide to get a 2413S it does not supply power to the ISY99i like the 2412S models do. Smarthome has a power supply option to add one.

They also sell a 2412SR Refurbished but I personally would go for the 2413S with added supply. Mine seems faster than when I used a 2412S.

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