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"New Program" adds to Summary but not Detail Page


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was pressing "New Program" from Program Details page and nothing was happening, except that when when I went to Program Summary page there were 4 "New Programs" that were "Not Saved". Going back to Program Detail page still did not show them. A reboot fixed the problem - well the empty unsaved new programs were gone of course but I was now able to create new programs and see them from the Program Details page. Am I looking at a bad unit, or a bad SD card? (just got the unit last week)


Note: I did notice that I was getting an "error" light (well, "mem" and "error" lights together) earlier when I had rebooted my router but that went away after my router came back up (I might have rebooted the ISY too, I can't remember). Is it normal that if the router goes out, the ISY shows "err" or is it another indication that I have a bad something?


More info / related question?:

Diagnotics shows total of 500MB of memory (445 MB free). Is the factory installed SD card only 0.5GB or is it a sign of trouble with the SD card?

  • 1 month later...

So the New Program not showing up in Program Details tab is happening with significant regularity. I need to restart the admin console for it to show up (under parent folder, even though I created it while in a subfolder)


I've been chalking it up to the fact that I often work on a laptop that may go to sleep and/or hibernate with the console open, which has caused the console to lose it's bearings and need to be restarted after a wake up but this problem has happened several times today without the laptop going through any sleep/wake cycle. (just moved yesterday to 2.8.4 from 2.8.1 for what that's worth)


Can I turn off the Java cache, or make it clear itself at startup, or can an option be added to ISY admin to do it at startup? It's a real PITA.


I have experience both these problems recently.



At least twice, I have had sessions in which a newly created program doesn't show up in the Program Details page. Clearing the Java cache did not fix the issue. Rebooting the ISY did.


Also, when I came home today, the MEM and ERR lights were flashing, indicating network issues. FWIW, none of my other network devices appeared to be having problems. Power-cycling fixed the issue.


I am running v2.8.2


the problem was still happening for me after I completely turned off the Java caching (at the Java control panel). Restarting the console would work sometimes but not others (with the caveat that the New Program always shows up in parent folder, not in the folder where it was created). Of course, rebooting ISY has always fixed it too for me.


Hello johnnyt,


Programs not showing is mostly related to ISY running in safe mode because it cannot communicate with the PLM. The next time this happens please go to Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info and let us know the status.


sfurman, MEM/ERR light blinking could be due to ISY not being provided a DHCP lease. The first thing I recommend is upgrading to 2.8.4 in which we added some workaround for routers that might refuse to give a lease to a device.


With kind regards,



Programs not showing is mostly related to ISY running in safe mode because it cannot communicate with the PLM. The next time this happens please go to Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info and let us know the status.


:arrow: "14.83.D8 v92 / Connected"...


I also validated that ISY and PLM are talking by turning a few lights on/off around me using the console.


It's a bit strange because as soon as I logged in this morning I did a "New Program" just to test and it worked, then undid changes, did a bit of browsing around (didn't create or add anything, didn't shutdown console), came to forum to post a question about having to login twice then went back to test New Program again and the second time around it again didn't show up in detail tab.


FWIW, I mostly use a Windows 7 64-bit machine though it also happens when I use my 32 bit Vista machine. I have v2.8.4, Java build 1.6.0_20-b02, and use admin.jnpl to start console


Hi johnnyt,


Do you have any other instances of Admin Console running on other computers (or other clients that have the ability to create programs)? If so, that's could be another cause: if another instance "refreshes" the programs, all other instances do a refresh and you might lose programs that have not yet been saved.


With kind regards,



i've been mindful of not having 2 consoles running on 2 machines but it has happened and i did chalk up some missing New Programs to that possibility. That said, the occurence this morning and many others previously would not be because of 2 consoles running (I looked for that specifically).


Also, please note that I'm not losing any new programs, they just are not appearing on the program details page. I can edit and save them no problem (using the right-click edit on the program summary page) and on restart they are there in the parent folder.

was pressing "New Program" from Program Details page and nothing was happening, except that when when I went to Program Summary page there were 4 "New Programs" that were "Not Saved". Going back to Program Detail page still did not show them. ...


If you see a program in Program Summary, but not in Program details, then it is likely an issue with one of your folders.


If this occurs again:


1. What does the "path" show in the program summary for the new programs that don't show up in details page?


2. In program summary, Right Click and select "Edit" and see where it takes you on the Program Details page.


When you create a new program, it creates it inside the Admin Console and does not tell the ISY about it until you actually save it. Therefore, for this particular problem, the ISY itself, and any issues communicating with the ISY should not be a factor.


To get around the problem, try pressing "Undo Changes"; this reloads all the programs from the ISY into the Admin Console. You should not have to restart the ISY as this problem is entirely contained within the Admin Console itself.


In Program Summary, all columns (path, etc.) are blank except name: "New Program" and activity: "-Not Saved-"


when i click "edit" from Program Summary it brings me to Program Details tab. I am able to edit the new program (that I can't see in the left pane), it saves when I hit "save changes", and - after a restart - it shows up in the parent folder.


I can upload a screenshot if it would help and if someone tells me how ("img" button didn't work)


Clicking "undo" certainly clears everything up (New Program is gone) but it does not solve the problem next time I click New Program. Now clicking "save" first then "undo" does now show me the "New Program" (again in the parent folder, not where I was when I clicked New Program button) but it shows up as modified/"not saved" (like some kind of change occured between the save and the reloading that occurs when I clicked undo.)


The save-undo combination is a step toward making this easier to work with but it's a bit of a kludge. It's very frequent for me, although remains inconsistent.


Am I the only one who's having (or has ever had) this problem?


I haven't been able to reproduce this problem here, but there seems to be something going on with the folder structure of your programs. Based on your description of the problem, it looks like its somehow trying to add a program to a non-existent folder.


The next time this happens, and before doing Undo Changes, please export your programs by right clicking on My Programs and selecting Export.


Please send the file to support@universal-devices.com.


Also, in the e-mail, please indicate which folder you tried to add the program to.


Done, however note that I did a "New Program" as soon as I opened the Program Details this time, i.e. in the parent folder, and it didn't appear so it's happening outside my sub folders too.


Note too that I renamed the parent folder to "ISY Programs" hoping this would help me organizing things better in HomeSeer by using the HS ISY Plug-in folder naming feature to give ISY devices their own location. (It didn't work the way I had hoped but I didn't bother changing it back).


Maybe something bad happens if one messes with the parent folder name?


Johhnyt, I've received the export file you sent, and its looks fine. I also loaded it onto an ISY here and tried reproducing the problem but could not.


When you actually save the new program when this problem occurs, and then hit "Undo Changes" to see it in the tree, does the new program then appear with a green arrow in the tree icon, or is it just the plain icon?


When this happens again, could you try exporting one of your programs, and then importing it into the same or different folder to see if that works.


I don't know if this would fix the problem, but I noticed you mentioned you are running Java 1.6.0_20, could you try upgrading to 1.6.0_22.



Note too that I renamed the parent folder to "ISY Programs" hoping this would help me ...

This is no problem, you can freely rename "My Programs" to anything you wish.


When you actually save the new program when this problem occurs, and then hit "Undo Changes" to see it in the tree, does the new program then appear with a green arrow in the tree icon, or is it just the plain icon?

yes, there's a green arrow so it was saved but it appears some sort of other change occurred on reload.



I upgraded earlier today to Java update 22 and the problem hasn't re-occurred since but it hasn't been heavily tested yet either. Will try what you suggested and let you know the outcome if it happens again.


Note on the Java front, FWIW, my Win 7 machine had 64-bit Java installed, which comes with a few quirks I found out. First it didn't have an update option in the control panel. I had to go to the web site and download update 22 myself, which then installed as a 32 bit version but my Java control panel didn't recognize it (still said update 20, not 22 although the Java web site version checker said I had 22 installed). I went into Programs & Features control panel and unistalled the update 20 reference, which fixed things, including restoring the update functionality that is part of 32-bit version but not 64-bit.


Another quirk is that on the Java web site I didn't find a reference to Firefox - which is what I use - with respect to 64-bit Java. If I follow what I did find about 64-bit Java I'm suppose to use 64-bit IE in order to use it...


I don't know if the above adds anything of value because I also have a 32-bit vista machine I use and think I had the problem with it too. That said I'm not 100% sure so maybe it is (was?) unique to my Win 7 / 64-bit Java setup.


yes, there's a green arrow so it was saved but it appears some sort of other change occurred on reload.

This confirms to me that for some reason when the program was created, it was not given a valid parent folder. If a program does not have a valid parent when loaded into the GUI, it is automatically moved to the My Programs folder (thus the green arrow because it was changed).



I upgraded earlier today to Java update 22 and the problem hasn't re-occurred since but it hasn't been heavily tested yet either. Will try what you suggested and let you know the outcome if it happens again.

Yes, let us know if it happens again.

  • 4 weeks later...

Update: Problem had been happening regularly until a couple of days ago when I changed from DHCP to a static IP address, which appears to have solved the problem. I'll probably install 2.8.5, which I understand has extra network debugging info and go back to DHCP to get you more info. Or if the problem returns while I'm using a static IP address, I may try exporting and re-importing a program as suggested to see what that gives me.


spoke too soon. static IP address did not fix the problem. have upgraded to 2.8.5, which did not fix the problem either but from what I understand if it's a network related issue, there may be some useful info in the error logs at some point. Although none came up tonight after the problem happened again, I'll check periodically in case something shows up.


I tried exporting the "New Program" and re-importing it and it created a duplicate (empty) New Program in the root folder. Also exported another program and imported it into the root folder. Just made a duplicate of the same program in the root folder. Tried creating another New Program after this and it still did not come up until I did save-undo and then it comes up in the root folder (i.e. same problem). I don't know if this provides any more clues as to what's happening.

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