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new device added but not showing up using mobillinc


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not sure if this is the right forum to ask but I'll give it a shot :-)

I have added a lamplinc to control a fishpump in my aquarium. I can control the device with no problem through the web page on my local network ( I thought though that once I added a device into my network, it would automatically populate to the mobillinc iPhone application to control remotely. This is not the case though even though I can "see" it via the web portal.

When I try to add it to the iPhone app, the ability to add an insteon device by mac address is not there. The only protocol I can add is X10 i.e. I must provide an X10 address for that control.


Thanks for any help you can provide. I appreciate it!


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You need to 'sync' MobiLinc to your ISY after adding any devices.


BTW, a LampLinc is designed to control dimmable lights, not a motorized device. You risk overheating and damaging your pump by using it that way.


The appropriate control for that application would be a non-dimming, relay device like an ApplianceLinc, or an InLineLinc Relay or SwitchLinc Relay mounted in a tabletop enclosure or project box and wired using approved cords & technique.

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Thank you for your response. I completely forgot the sync function with that app.

Also, thanks for providing the insight for which insteon device to use. I thought by using a lamplinc and setting it to instant on with no dimming, everything would be OK. I will go ahead and place an order for an appliance linc though just to be safe.




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