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weather variables


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Is there any way to populate the weather variables in the ISY-99i other than through the Weather Bug module? I have a WMR968 that is feeding data through a local linux machine to the Weather Underground. Picking up the data either locally or through Weather Underground would be ideal.

Frankly, I'm not sure the system I use supports Weather Bug and from a quick look at http://backyard.weatherbug.com/ it seems they are no longer accepting new members? Suggestions?

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Hello hackshaven,


I am so very sorry to hear that WB does not want additional members. We tried Weather Underground before going with WB but the amount of licensing fees they wanted far exceeded anything that a normal user would want to pay (monthly fees of close to $20.00/month based on our current number of users).


Unfortunately, I do not think we can support Weather Underground.


With kind regards,


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You're right, $20/month does seem a bit high. I've never paid anything in the past, I guess that's for the right to re-download the data for other applications? Ouch!

Alternatively, I have the data locally on my home network. Is there anyway to feed this information directly into the ISY-99i? Maybe via the network module? The REST API?



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from a quick look at http://backyard.weatherbug.com/ it seems they are no longer accepting new members? Suggestions?


I don't think this statement is true because they still have a signup page http://reg.backyard2.weatherbug.com/reg/PwsRegPage.aspx.


The real problem is personal weather stations don't seem to show up in the WeatherBug station list on the ISY (at least the last time I checked).

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  • 4 months later...
The real problem is personal weather stations don't seem to show up in the WeatherBug station list on the ISY (at least the last time I checked).


I have to agree with you lawr1000. I am not able to locate any personal weather stations in the ISY as well. This would would be a really nice feature to have in the ISY, as I could install a weather station in my back yard and base my programs off of my actual house weather. Here in Florida it could literally could be raining at my neighborer house and not mine. I would like to be able to base my sprinklers off the "actual" weather at my home.


Michel, do you happen to have an update on this or maybe know why we cant see the personal stations through the ISY?




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The real problem is personal weather stations don't seem to show up in the WeatherBug station list on the ISY (at least the last time I checked).


I have to agree with you lawr1000. I am not able to locate any personal weather stations in the ISY as well. This would would be a really nice feature to have in the ISY, as I could install a weather station in my back yard and base my programs off of my actual house weather. Here in Florida it could literally could be raining at my neighborer house and not mine. I would like to be able to base my sprinklers off the "actual" weather at my home.


Michel, do you happen to have an update on this or maybe know why we cant see the personal stations through the ISY?





If you know the code of the personal station you wish to reference you can enter it in the ISY.


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