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IP Question


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Is it possible to my ISY's external IP address included in the email notifications I receive from my ISY/99?

It's probably already present in the received message, although not in the body. If your email reader allows it, look at the message headers (or full message). There are a series of Received: lines which follow the progress of the message, showing the IP addresses of each relay. The earliest one most likely includes both the internal and external addresses of your ISY. Mine looks something like this:


Received: from 172.iii.iii.iii (xxxx.xxxx.net [66.eee.eee.eee])
   by yyyy.yyyy.com (8.14.2/8.14.2) with ESMTP id o8JIxxxxxxxxxx
   for user@yyyy.com; Sun, 19 Sep 2010 11:40:38 -0700 


172.iii.iii.iii is my ISY's internal address, and 66.eee.eee.eee is my home network's external address.


Wahoo! Looks like we have a winner!! This is great.

Now I might set my ISY to send me an email every week so I can verify the external IP address and make any updates to my MobiLinc Pro iPhone app.

Awesome - will test now......



verify the external IP address and make any updates to my MobiLinc Pro iPhone app.

There are ways to automate this which may be of interest to you. You can get a hostname (such as xxx.dyndns.org) from a service like dyndns which can be automatically updated whenever your home router's IP address changes. Some routers can be configured to do this automatically, which makes it all transparent to you. Then, you just use this hostname in MobiLinc instead of the numeric IP address.


If your router doesn't have the ability to automatically update dynamic hostname, there are other ways to update it. But at this point it's probably just as easy to update MobiLinc manually.

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