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New ISY-99i "Start Linking" button doesn't link


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Just received my brand new ISY-99i and PLM 2413s. I'm disappointed I can't get it to find any of my devices out of the box.


1) I initially realized something was up because when I click the "start linking" button, the instructions say the icon is supposed to turn to an "X". This doesn't happen.


2) The instructions also say there's supposed to be another dialog that pops up after I click that button ("linking in progress"). That doesn't happen either.


3) ISY does seem wrapped up in something though because when I click on various tabs like "Configuration" I get a "Discovering Nodes; Retry!" error. But there's no screen or status indicating that this is happening so the ISY appears to be 'hung'.


4) I've reset the ISY and unplugged the PLM numerous times and nothing changes. I can't link devices.


I've been at this for hours. Help!


PS - My PLM Info/Status is: 13.23.E5 v92 / Connected

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After I realized that the ISY UI wasn't giving me any visual feedback, I looked at the PLM and noticed it was blinking. So I went around the house and started putting several devices into link mode too.


Since the ISY UI is essentially hung (clicking on any tab results in a "Discovering Nodes; Retry!" error), I used the simple ISY web page and clicked on the "Devices" link. It seems that my light switches have been added and can even be controlled.


A couple of additional questions though:


1) I have a 3-way dimmer switch. Even though both devices show up in the ISY web page, the buttons on only one of the switches in the pair will actually control the light. Clicking on the On/Off, Fast On/Fast Off buttons for the second swtich don't change the lighting at all, even though the web UI is updating the switch status to On/Off and even dimming percent. Is this normal behavior that only one of the switches in the pair is the one I should be controlling for this single light?


2) My Venstar thermostat shows up in the devices list, but all the fields are blank (status, setpoint, mode, humidity, heating/cooling, fan). Is this normal behavior that the web page wouldn't report status for these fields even though the device has apparently been linked? Is there something else I'm supposed to do at the Venstar to get this information relayed to the ISY?


3) Most importantly, I feel stupid that I can't get the Java UI to work and have to resort to the ISY web page to figure out if devices have been added. My SmartLinc at least had a prettier wen interface. Is there something wrong with my ISY that the Java UI's linking operation isn't functioning visually the way the instructions say it should?


3a) The "start linking" button doesn't change to an "x"

3b) While the PLM starts blinking as soon as I hit the "start linking" button, there's no more visual or dialogs in the ISY UI that indicate that anything is happening

3c) Until I click the "set" button on the PLM to kick it out of linking mode, the ISY UI is essentially inoperable because of the "Discovering Nodes; Retry!" error" that pops up every time I click on something in the UI


Is this all normal behavior that I'm just going to have to get used to with this new ISY device?

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Last post and I'm going to bed.


While i can see the devices I just added through my kludgy workaround in the ISY web interface, they're no where to be found in the Java console. This is a problem because I use expensive iPhone apps like MobiLinc that sync with the Insteon controller and in this case, it looks like what it's syncing would be what I should be seeing in the Java UI and not the web UI.


In other words, it doesn't matter that I can see my devices in the ISY web UI - if I can't see them in the Java UI, I can't create scenes or programs or control my devices through my iPhone and MobiLinc. Did I mention that I just bought the darn thingies this week?


Seriously. I'm totally stuck. Please help :(

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Hello kaplansa,


Apologies for a tardy reply.


First of all, your PLM was in fact in linking mode but the linking mode is only active for 4 minutes.


I think we have other problems here mainly something in the computer (i.e. firewall software) is blocking evenits coming from ISY. That's the main reason why you were stuck in the linking mode. Since your PLM shows connected and since you could actually put it in linking mode via ISY, I would have to conclude that the PLM is OK.


The first thing I would do is to check the firewall on your computer to make sure that either ISY is in the white/trusted list/zone OR that it's not being blocked.


Secondly, sometimes firewall software may ignore a Java application in situations where they block a Java applet. In this respect, would you be kind enough to try the following link instead:



And, if all else fails, please do not hesitate to contact our tech support team to schedule a live call. Our hours of operation are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Pacific Time.


With kind regards,


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@michel, believe it or not, the problem looks like the URL I was using to access the Java UI. Once I tried your universal-devices.com URL (and did one more reset on the ISY and PLM), everything seems to be working fine!


I can't believe I was up for as long as I was for something that simple. Anyhow, I have other questions now related to the interface itself and what some of these options really mean, but I'll figure it all out over time.


For now I'm just looking forward to getting everything linked and start making some scenes and programs.


Well done troubleshooting!




BTW - The Start Linking button now turns into an "X", so every time I see that I get very happy!

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Hi kaplansa,


To answer some of your questions:

1: Yes, it's normal that the finder remains open. You can click Cancel after the console opens to close it.


2: You need to create a scene and place both switches in the scene as controllers. Then when you control the scene both switches will respond.

All your n-way switches should be in scenes, this way the ISY will always know the states of the devices.



3: Some people keep the SmartLinc; MobiLinc may be all you need. The SmartLinc is power line only so it will not operate as an AccessPoint.



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I just noticed the "ISY Finder" dialog. It actually shows up ~behind~ the main console window so I didn't realize it was there initially. It shows my ISY, but when I double-click on my device that dialog doesn't go away. Is this normal for it to be persistent on the screen like that?

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