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Help with 2420M motion sensor, settings and program


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i found this thread http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ght=motion and it explains why I am not crazy, LOL. I can't wait for 2.8.3 which will supposedly give us more control of the 2420M via the ISY.


After reading the above thread I have removed jumper 5. Apparently jumper 5 disables jumper 3 (night only mode) No wonder it continues to operate in the daytime). Jumper 3 is still installed and I continue to try and tweak the pot to get the desired result. At this time I have no idea if I'm making any progress. I currently have jumper 4 installed as well which tells the 2420M to not send an OFF. I don't know if this is a good thing or not.


1. I would appreciate any advice on these settings. I want the sensor to operate only dusk to dawn. I want it to be fairly dark.


2. I am having problems with my program as well. Rather than explain all the variations I have tried perhaps some of you would be kind enough to post your programs or some examples. I do not know if I should use IF STATUS ... is ON or IF CONTROL ... is ON. I have a wait statement in the program so I can adjust the ON time via the ISY instead of opening the sensor. I think this may be getting me in trouble.


3. I am currently controlling only x10 devices in my program. The strange thing is the first x10 device seems to get ignored. Device 2 thru x responds. Any ideas?


4. Is there a place where I can find example programs?


I have more questions but I will not get greedy.





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It may be me, but I prefer to let the ISY respond to motion. This adds a slight delay (approx. 1 second), but it is tolerable. Plus this creates greater flexibility in responding to motion, such as if the light is on or a scene is set, leave it alone.


Turn pot 1 all the way counter-clockwise and install jumper 4. This way you will get On commands from the MS every 30 seconds or so when there is motion. Then write a program to perform occupancy sensing function, such as:


       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)
   And Status  'Outdoor / Garage Keypad-Pizza Delivery' is not On
   And Control 'Outdoor / Driveway Motion-Sensor' is switched On

       Set Scene 'Outdoor / Driveway Floods on Motion' On
       Wait  8 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Outdoor / Driveway Floods on Motion' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Each On sent by the MS resets the timer, so the light will stay on as long as there is motion. Also, if any intervening scenes or switches are set, such as 'Pizza Delivery' above, the timer is also canceled, so that the light turned on in the scene won't be turned off by an exisitng countdown timer.

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After several hours of experimentation, removing then resetting then relinking the MS a couple of times, I was becoming convinced that the counter-clockwise position is where I wanted it to be. With jumper 3 on and the pot at about 9 o'clock (7 o'clock being fully counter-clockwise) I think I am starting to get the darkness to where I want it to be. Still not 100% sure yet.


Kingwr, Thanks for the reply. Do you have jumper 3 installed? As best I can tell the instructions imply that jumper 3 needs to be installed for the pot to work. Is that you understanding? i hate to take jumper 3 off for fear of messing up the sensor.


I appreciate your help. I thought about using dusk to dawn condition in the ISY but was worried about using up the battery faster. Do you get good battery life with your set up? Doesn't it transmit RF 24 hours a day when it sees motion, rather than only at night? Sorry I'm still confused on what the fully counter clockwise position is doing.


I like your setup. I was wondering how to make it leaves lights alone that are already on. Now I understand :)


I chuckle when I visit Smarthome's web site and it states how easy Insteon is.

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I'm obviously missing something in your program. I know it's not a defective MS unless I have two defective sensors as I've tried this program with two different sensors, both V2.0.


The MS doesn't seem to be resetting my timer, My timer runs for 2 minutes and then turns off even though I can see the LED in the MS flash as I move around. Sometimes the light is off and won't come back on even though the LED on the MS flashes. If I wait a while then move around the light will come on. Very erratic control. I've tried Status and Control. Maybe MS is not sending ON signals often enough to reset my counter. Jumper 3 and 4 are on. Pot is not fully counter clockwise but MS is in a dark place and it reports that DUSK/Dawn is ON. My Access point is about 5 feet away.


I'm running 2.7.15



Control 'Pond Motion-Sensor' is switched On



Set 'House / Basement / Den Sink D4' On

Wait 2 minutes

Set 'House / Basement / Den Sink D4' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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This is definitely a problem with the 2420 MS with jumper 4 installed. When jumper 4 not installed, when the MS detects motion, it sends an ON and starts a countdown timer internally. The duration of the timer is determined by the leftmost POT. For example, if it is set to fully counter-clockwise, then the MS will send an ON and wait at least 30 seconds before sending an OFF. If it is set in the middle, the duration is about 4 minutes. Any motion detected during the countdown timer resets the timer, although no additional ON is sent.


Installing jumper 4 means that no OFF is sent, however, the MS will not send any new ON command until the countdown timer expires, even if motion is detected (and the light flashes). So, that is why it is important to turn POT 1 fully counter-clockwise. The MS will send an ON on motion, then send subsequent ONs only after 30 seconds of no motion and then motion. If your POT 1 is set higher than this, then you may not be receiving subsequent ONs within the 2 minute period in order to reset your timer.

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I noticed you have the followling line in your code:

And Control 'Outdoor / Driveway Motion-Sensor' is switched On


I do not have an option of "is switched on" for my 2420M motion sensor. I tried all the condition types and do not see "is switched on". Do you know why?







It may be me, but I prefer to let the ISY respond to motion. This adds a slight delay (approx. 1 second), but it is tolerable. Plus this creates greater flexibility in responding to motion, such as if the light is on or a scene is set, leave it alone.


Turn pot 1 all the way counter-clockwise and install jumper 4. This way you will get On commands from the MS every 30 seconds or so when there is motion. Then write a program to perform occupancy sensing function, such as:


       From    Sunset 
       To      Sunrise (next day)
   And Status  'Outdoor / Garage Keypad-Pizza Delivery' is not On
   And Control 'Outdoor / Driveway Motion-Sensor' is switched On

       Set Scene 'Outdoor / Driveway Floods on Motion' On
       Wait  8 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Outdoor / Driveway Floods on Motion' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Each On sent by the MS resets the timer, so the light will stay on as long as there is motion. Also, if any intervening scenes or switches are set, such as 'Pizza Delivery' above, the timer is also canceled, so that the light turned on in the scene won't be turned off by an exisitng countdown timer.

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Thanks for the additional information. I did have the left pot set fully counterclockwise. Maybe my ISY is not resetting the timer? ISY timeout is 2 minutes, MS is 30 seconds. From what I understand I should get another ON command from the MS if it sees motion after it's original 30 second timeout, and if before the ISY 2 minute timeout, shouldn't this reset the ISY timer?


After typing the above paragraph I think I know what may be happening. The MS keeps seeing motion before it's 30 second timeout thus resetting it's timer so I am not getting another ON to keep the ISY timer resetting. Perhaos te solution is to make the ISY timeout longer.


I will continue to experiment. Thanks again for your help.


Looking forward to 2.8.3.

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2.8.3 has been released but it appears to have a nasty bug. Good news though, it will have a "occupancy" setting for the 2420M. When enabled the 2420M will send an ON command whenever motion is detected irregardless of the timeout. For me this is exactly what I am looking for. As long as I am moving around outside the 2420M will send an ON command irregardless of it's timeout therefore continually resetting the ISY timer. Thank you UD!

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Hello nowandthen,


The new motion sensor capabilities are UI related only. So, you can safely use them by using any of the following URLs (as long as you have 2.7.15 and above):




As far as the nasty bug, I am becoming more convinced that the problem is PLM related by the minute since most of those with the issue downgraded to older versions and with the same symptoms. So, it might not actually be a bug let alone a nasty one.


With kind regards,


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