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Problem Arming Elk M1G from KPL


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I have had a KPL programmed to turn on my Elk m1G to night mode for 2 years and it has been working fine. Now, for no reason that I can tell, I push the kpl button and nothing happens. Then 5 minutes later it arms! What the heck? How can there be this delay? I can see the led on one of the Insteon repeaters blink when I hit the button so I know the kPL is initiating Insteon traffic when I push the button. Other buttons on the kpl work instantly.


I don't know where to look to fix this. Any ideas? I assume the delay is in the Elk.

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Hello apostolakisl,


The best thing to do would be to start the event viewer and make sure that ISY sees your button presses. The equation is quite simple:

1. Button press -> INSTEON

2. INSTEON -> PLM -> ISY (Event Viewer)

3. ISY -> Ethernet -> M1XEP


So, if ISY gets the event in the event viewer, you can rest assured that it's being sent to M1XEP unless ISY has lost connection to M1XEP. To check ISY/ELK connectivity, look at the top of your Admin Console and ensure that you see ELK status (armed/disarmed/etc.).


With kind regards,


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Thanks, I got it working. The ISY was seeing the button presses, still don't know where the problem was. I fixed it by rebooting everything all at once (PLM, ISY, Elk M1G). A previous attempt at only rebooting the ISY and XEP board did not fix it. So it must have been either the PLM or the M1G motherboard.




PS Any updates on the Elk integration? I would be game for any berta testing programs.

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