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Is my new KeypadLinc Defective?


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I just bought and installed two more 6-button KeypadLincs. One of them appears to have a stuck "grouping" between button B and the main ON button. When I press button B once, it turns the correct linked device on. But when I press it a second time, instead of button B toggling off, it turns on the main ON button (and load). When I press button B a third time, it finally toggles off, but leaves the main On and load turned on. If I press the main ON and OFF buttons by themselves, everything works fine. In other words, the problem only appears when pressing button B.


I tried doing a factory reset at the switch, and also a Reset Buttons Grouping in the UDI Administrative Console.That disabled all links to external devices, but the weird behavior between button B and the main ON button continues. Doing a Restore Device in the Console puts all of the links back, but still doesn't fix the problem.


Is there something else I can try to fix this problem, or is my new KeypadLinc just Defective?

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