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Icon switches not available for "control" programm


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I have just gotten sh to replace all of my icon switches that are previous to the fixed paddle issue.


Anyway, I went to do some programs with the new switches and when I try to use the "control" set of parameters, the new icons all disappear.


The icon switches that are of the older vintage are all there. What gives?

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Icon 2876db v.39 dimmer switches.


In writing programs, you can not do the following:


if control 'icon switch xyz' is switched on


All of the 2876db switches simply do not exist in the drop down menu.


They do exist for the status drop down menu.


I still have a couple of the older 2876db's and they are on the drop down menu. Interestingly, the ISY calls them 2876d3's even though they are supposedly 2876db's.

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Hi apostolakisl,


Thanks. This is more than strange. The code path is the same for all switches (Admin Console goes through a list and checks capabilities based on device type. Both devices are LISTED in the same list so, if one works, the other one must as well).


Above in combination with the fact that we recently added 2876DB in the list, basically point to an older version of the Admin Console.


Did you try the following URL:

http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.4/admin.jnlp ?


With kind regards,


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Yes, that was what I meant by "trying the URL you listed".


It only works using this url. Using the regular method of just putting the local IP address gives me the same console but without full 2876db support. The following URL does work.




I am just confused on how this is different than the other way of accessing the Java console. I did clear my Java temporary internet files and the first time I ran the console after clearing those files it did do the much longer load time with the little java loading clock showing presumably indicating that it was reloading all of the files.


I can still load the java console the other way (my ip/admin) and even have both open at the same time. The my ip/admin continues to not have the 2876db support even open side by side with the .jnlp opened console.

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I can't figure out what else to delete to get Java to use the 2.8.4 version. I went through the Java control panel and looked under every tab and setting screen I could find and deleted everything I could find.


I also tried acessing through touch switch admin button and I get the ISY console without 2876db support.

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