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Continuous and new problems


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Without going into too much detail, I have about 30 Insteon devices - relays, dimmers, filterlinks, 4 access points, a 220 coupler, 2 in-wall controllers, outlets, lamp links, a2412S PLM and the ISY 99i. This has been built up over the last few years and since ISY 2.7.15 many things have improved - but recently none of the programs triggered from switches will work (ISY shows no initiation on the Program Summary page), restoring / rewriting devices from ISY yield failures and the 1011 flags next to almost all devices, rewriting any one device yields a failure the first time and MAY be successful the second time, seems like I need to rewrite each device one at a time, the ISY interface seems to have issues (pop up boxes show but they are blank eg looking for the version of ISY Help>About, right clicking on a device yields the context menu but when moving the mouse down to choose an action the highlight/pointer jumps to the menu bar at the top of the ISY screen....


I'm perplexed because manual linking between any devices works flawlessly regardless of locations, manually activating links between switches works flawlessly regardless of location, controlling switches, scenes, and programs via the iPhone/ MobiLinc Pro works flawlessly so I don't quite see how this may be a comms issue - been there done that hence the filters and current locations. I use a Mac with current OS. The only way i have found to correct is to remove each device from the ISY, reset it, add it back to the ISY and recreate all the links, scenes and programs.


Is there a better way? Am I missing something? When the system works it is great but the PITA factor is beginning to overtake the benefits.


Any suggestions are appreciated. Regards

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Hello zepzo,


Apologies for the inconvenience and it sure sounds quite frustrating.


The first thing is that you should NEVER have to remove/add devices back. As of right now, I see two problems:


Status is not updated in the Admin Console. If this is the case, I would need to know if the status is updated in your MobiLinc if you control a device manually and ON THE DEVICE itself. If NOT, then what we need to do is to open Event Viewer on Level 3 and then retry turning a switch on/off on the switch itself. If you do not see any traffic, then the problem is that the status information is not sensed by the PLM.


If no status are sensed by the PLM, there are three cases:

1. PLM is dead. Please go to Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info and make sure it's connected. If not, then you have a defective PLM

2. There are no links in the PLM (or the PLM does not retain its links). Please go to Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table. Once done, please click on the count. If the count is anything less than a 100 (based on your system), then the PLM is defective and cannot retain its links

3. The signal is not getting from the PLM to devices and vice versa. To test, and if possible, please try moving the PLM to a different outlet and closer to one of the switches that you have problems with. Or, you might want to make sure that Access Points are still installed and situated correctly


The other problem is that the Admin Console is not behaving correctly. This is usually caused by two things:

1. Firewall software on your computer. I am not aware of any firewall software for MAC but if you have one, please try disabling it

2. Java cache and Java mismatch. If you have Snow Leopard, please upgrade to 1.6. Also, please clear your Java cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


Please note that on MAC, clearing Java cache requires you to reboot the system.


And, finally, you can try the following URL instead:



Please do keep us posted.


With kind regards,


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Michel, Thank you for the quick reply …. Here are some answers and some more issues.


The only way I have been able to correct some of the issues is buy removing, re-adding the devices, and then recreating programs and scenes :-((


Upon activating devices from the device, Admin Console, or MobiLinc the status changes on all and traffic shows up in the Event Viewer immediately with an exception of 1 switch furthest away from the PLM.


PLM Status: v 72

Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info shows PLM is connected. But when there are 1011 flags displaying for devices in the Admin Console is takes a while as the ISY tries to write the devices before checking the PLM status.


Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Links Table shows a count of 85. My system has 24 devices installed excluding 4 AccessPoints, 4 Filter warts, 1 220 Coupler and counting ControlLinks as 1 device regardless of the number of buttons.


No firewall on the MAC

Java is Std Edition 1.6 with both 32 bit and 64 bit turned on. Delete files button in JAVA has only 2 check boxes - not 3. Deleted all files and restarted MAC.


What does the downloaded file do? How does it relate to or replace accessing the My Lighting page via my browser bookmark? Why does it disappear upon reboot?

“And, finally, you can try the following URL instead:

>>http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/admin.jnlp “


Frequently, but not always, after logging in to the Admin Console, it displays an error message “Socket Open Failed SSDPClient†Any idea what this is?


Frequently receive error messages when adding devices to scenes or writing updates to devices. Writing to devices almost never occurs upon adding a device to a scene and I need to manually Write Updates to Device. Many times that results in errors such as:

[-200000] Failed writing device link [device name]

[-200000] Failed writing PLM master link [device name]

[-5012] Subscriber didn’t respond to event 1 [-51]

is this an issue pertinent to 1 specific switch?


When working with 1 device in particular, the event log shows

[uNKNOWN] 20 0A

I have unlinked the device and removed links from its controller device, removed both from ISY, reset both devices, adding each back to ISY and the unknown error still occurs in the Event Viewer. If this is from an older device that was removed, is there a way to get rid of it in the “system�


Also if I log out of the Admin Console and log bak in without restarting the browser, the admin console gets squirrely -- pop ups without messages, freezes, blank pages for the 4 Tabs in the Admin Console and the oly way to get out is to do a Force Quit from the OS.


What does it mean when the Devices in the left column of the Admin Console are shown in Itallic?


PS. There are no v35 devices in the system


Appreciate any help.

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Hello zepzo,


Thanks for the detailed response.


1. PLM v72 did in fact have some communication problems (especially with newer versions of devices) which would exhibit the same symptoms as you are describing. I suspect this is the source of all your device communication errors. The fact that you have 0101 icons points to the fact that the PLM cannot communicate with your devices and then points back to PLM v72

2. 81 links for 24 devices sounds about right as long as you do NOT have many KeypadLincs nor do you have many scenes

3. The link I sent simply downloads the latest application from the website (in case you have Java cache issues) and thus might help with some of your Admin Console issues

4. You can ignore the SSDP error; it basically uses UPnP to find ISY and perhpas something on your machine is using that port exclusively


With kind regards,


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