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REST: turn a device on to preset level?


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Is there any way using the REST interface to turn a device on to the device's preset level?


DON turns it on full brightness.


I know I can specify a level, but what about the preset level? (i.e. the level it comes on to when you tap the switch.)


As a practical matter, I probably only need to activate scenes. And the obvious work-around would be to create a scene with only one device if that's what you need.


But just curious and if it isn't possible, a suggestion for a future release.

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Hello jtara92101,


I have to do more digging but, from what I remember, we had to basically add the level to the command (cmd2) in older versions. Putting 0 there would turn it off.


The newer i2 versions were different but the difference was so different between differnet devices that we just left it as is.


With kind regards,


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