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console not updating program "last run time"


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Have noticed the ISY console has not been getting updated on my Win 7 machine after a program runs. A simple program that runs when I double click (i.e. fast on) one light to turn on another did not appear to have run after running when I re-sorted by Last Run Time.


I did the double click a couple of times and the program ran - the second light came on - but the console did not show the relevant program as having run both times until I restarted the console.


This is not consistent (it does seem to update most times) and it didn't happen when I switched to my Vista machine, tonight anyway. (I don't use my Vista machine as often for ISY stuff and don't know if I've been missing stuff on this front.)


This is not the only GUI problem I've been encountering. The others, which still happen regularly (on both my W7 and Vista machines) and I'm just living with, are in the following threads:







Am running ISY v 2.8.4, Java 1.6.0_22-b04 (32 bit), firefox 3.5.15 to start Java on both by Windows 7 64-bit and Vista 32-bit machines.

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Hello johnnyt,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. All these point to network connectivity issue (if the programs actually run). In short, the Admin Console subscribes to ISY and then from then on ISY publishes all events back to the Admin Console. If for any reason the network connection is broken, then the Admin Console does not show feedback.


Can you try 2.8.5? We added some network detection algorithms that show up in the log. Having that information in addition to -5011/-5012 errors can help us figure out where the problem is.


With kind regards,


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spoke too soon. static IP address did not fix the problem. I upgraded to 2.8.5, which I understand adds network error info but so far the problem, which is intermittent or at least was in 2.8.4, has not re-occured (but it hasn't been tested much yet.) - Note: I went back to DHCP too.

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