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I have a ISY99IR Pro V 2.7.15. I have also 2 access point #2443 : one on each phase. I have different Insteon devices like SwitchLinc, ApplianceLinc,

I/OLinc, etc. and it works very well. For all devices, if I go to : Tools/Diagnostics/Show PLM Links table and Show ISY Links table that is OK. For many devices, if I go to Tools/Diagnostics/Show Device Links table, I obtain the following message : [-20000] Failed reading devide link [12.xx.xx.1]. As mentioned in Errors and Error Messages -UDI Wiki : System Errors : - 20000 Driver.

How do I proceed to solve those errors ?

Many thanks in advance,


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I have a #2440 RemoteLinc which control three switchLinc in a scene and the Show Device is OK on this RemoteLinc.


I am by no means an expert on this, but I think it possible that the remotelinc shows OK because it cannot respond to queries as can the other devices. I suspect the query of a remotelinc to be much more limited.


When you added your devices, did you do it manually (type the address) or automatically (start linking)?

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I did it manually (type the address).


I think I would, then, perform an experiment. Remove one of your devices from the ISY. Re-add it, this time by automatically creating the link (choose the "start linking" button). Then see if you can get status. I'll bet that you can.


My theory is based upon the possibility that the ISY does not accurately recognize the device sometimes when added manually. Furthermore, this can result in query and status problems.


While I am not completely confident of this, it seems a simple enough experiment to try.

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