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Can't get SmartLinc to acquire an IP address

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I have been using an ISY-99i for my INSTEON newtork and decided to replace it with a SmartLinc (I think the South FL lighting hits may have caused my PLM or ISY-99i to get flakey)


I can't seem to do the simple thing of getting my SmartLinc an IP address


I am pretty well versed in networking, but this must be something simple


Here are things I have done

1. Replaced the CAT5 cable connecting the SmartLinc to my router

2. Reset the SmartLinc (hold and then 5 taps)

3. Got a replacement SmartLinc - same problems

4. Upgraded my firmware in the router

5. Put my ADSL model in bridge mode

6. Cleared Java cache on my PC (thinking something with the ISY-99i was an issue)

7. Tried the SmartLinc in 3-4 different locations


Some Observations

1. When I plug in SmartLinc I immediately get a bright blink then it goes dim

2. When I ping smartlinc.smarthome.com from my PC I see IP address

3. I have green link lights at both the SmartLinc and my router

4. I never see the device in my router's attached devices table

5. I left the SmartLinc connected to the router overnight - same result

neither router seems to connect

6. When I go to http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click "I'm at Home"

I get the "cannot find a SmartLinc on your network (public IP address)" message

7. I tried #6 from multiple PCs - same result


My Configuration

1. Embarq EQ-660R ADSL modem in bridge mode

2. NETGEAR ProSafe VPN Firewall Router FVS 318 - BUT no firewall

is enabled nor are any VPN links

3. DHCP is turned on at the router and other devices function fine

4. I do have a few fixed assigned IP devices in the higher numbers

that should not be an issue

5. I do have dyndns.org turned on in my router (shouldn't matter)


Can you help me? Any queations?



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