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IRLinc 2411T nodes don't appear in tree


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I am attempting to add IR commands to my ISY 99i and not having much success.


As I understand it I first need to add the IRLinc to the ISY and then need to add individual IR commands as devices.


IRLinc Rev 1.4

ISY 99i/IR Pro (1050)

My Lighting v2.7.15


Below are the steps I am following:



1. Factory reset the IRLinc

2. Click "New INSTEON Device" (Light Bulb) button in ISY interface.

3. Enter name, address and device type. Select "Remove existing links".

4. Click "Ok"




After some time I receive an error:


[-200000] Node not added - Failed restoring device [F A5 DF 1]



Nothing new appears in the node tree.


The associated log file can be found HERE




I have also tried the following:



1. Factory reset the IRLinc

2. On ISY select "Link Managment > Add Button to IRLinc Transmitter"

3. Follow steps provided in dialog (I receive first and second beep indicating link is complete".

3. Click "OK"


There are a lot of progress indications.


Nothing new appears in the node tree.


The last thing in the log is "[F A5 DF 1 ] IRLincTX addr=0x0010 .. Read Failed" but there is no error dialog or other indication in the GUI that the operation failed.



The associated log file can be found HERE



now from the logs it appears that there is a fair amount of chatter and I am working on getting filters in place to reduce the chatter but I am not inclined to believe that it the source of this issue.


Can anyone help shed some light on what I might be doing wrong here?




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  • 1 month later...

How do you get this revision? I just started playing with the IRLinc transmitter I got today (rev. 1.3) and when I add a remote button following the steps in the wiki (starting from Add Button to IR Linc Transmitter), the device button shows up in the admin console, but I can't do anything with it (no on/off). When I attempt to create a dummy program to see if I can do anything through that, my only options for the button are beep intervals.


Long story short (or not as the case may be) do I need to send the unit back? I contacted smarthome earlier, but have not yet heard from them.

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I have added it to the Wiki.



Thanks for confirming that Chris.




Thanks Rand, that appears to be working.


Though it's a pain in the butt, it seems to be the best option for IR functionality right now...Hope you and Smarthome can get something better worked out in the future.


Thanks again - It's good to be running again.



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