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Scene Test Question


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Could someone please explain to me what the scene test function is for and how it is used?


Here is a log I copy and pasted over from one scene test. I noticed that there are also several options at the end of the scene test window. Selecting any of them does not appear to do anything nor does it stay in that position if you re-run the scene test over? :?:


Also I noticed messages about cleaning up etc. Does this program do a house cleaning of sorts, say if it finds broken links etc, it will correct the errors to ensure a reliable Insteon network?




Thu 12/09/2010 02:46:47 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 16 13 00 06


Central Exhaust Fan Test Results


[Failed] Entry KPL - Fan (15 C6 E1 5)

[Failed] Exhaust Fan (Timed) (11 DC 42 1)


Central Exhaust Fan Test Results


Thu 12/09/2010 02:46:51 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.16 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)


Thu 12/09/2010 02:47:09 PM : FYP: Connecting to http://flexyourpower.s3.amazonaws.com/b ... status.xml

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Hello Teken,


Scene Test basically uses the least amount of hops to make sure your ISY can communicate with the members of the scene. i.e. if Scene Test succeeds, then rest assured that all your scene commands for that scene will succeed. On the other hand, if they fail it does not mean that your scenes will fail but that the likelihood of failure is much higher depending on the INSTEON network state.


Please note that if you have any programs that may work on the same devices while the scene test is running, you will not have accurate testing. So, it would be best to disable all your programs before doing Scene Test.


Also, it's always better to turn on the scene before doing the test.


With kind regards,


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Hello, Michel Kohanim


When you turn on the scene in question. Is the scene test suppose to turn off that specific scene? :?: I am asking because I want to learn and know if this is the correct behavior. :D


Also, how does one activate the other 3 options in the drop down box? :?: I have to gather this is done in some sort of sequence or order for it to take place?

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Hello Teken,


Yes, ISY turns the scene off or, better yet, it simply sends an OFF command and waits for all the devices to report back with their Clean up messages.


Which drop down box are we talking about? If you are talking about the Event Viewer level, then please leave it at the first level and do not change it.



With kind regards,


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*Device communication event* is what the the viewer defaults to. Do the other drop down options not operate?


There are options for: None, Status Operational Events, More Info. Just trying to get a better understand of all the feature sets provided in this amazing device. :lol:

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They all work just reporting different levels of data.


Device Communications Events is the Scene test event choice.


You can invoke the event viewer from the Diagnostics tab and it normally defaults to Status Operation Events but you can pick others.

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No v35 Switchlincs, just v27 and v37. I have two access points (the first generation). Other than that, the only dual-band device I have is the PLM.


The scene test results are not consistent. Sometimes a scene fails, and then I run the test immediately again, and it passes. Then it fails again if I run the test later.

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Just a follow up to my original Q. After reading another post from someone else my question has been answered.


That being the other scene test options. This is not very clear as to how to initiate these other options.


So for the next new user I hope this helps you out. Under the *Tools* tab at the top of the Admin console.


Select Diagnostics > Select *Event Viewer* > Pick a scene or device at the left of the Admin console > Turn the scene or device on > You will now see *Events* as they transpire live through your Insteon network via the ISY.


At this point you can also select the other options one at a time to display more information.


I did not find this procedure documented anywhere or clearly written for the lay person.


Hope this helps someone else later on . . .

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