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New Circuit Breaker panel for existing ISY/Insteon network


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Over the last year I have built a pretty extensive (at least to me) system of insteon devices controlled by an ISY. I recently found out that I am going to need to replace my existing circuit breaker panel (and breakers).


Are there any suggestions what to avoid? I don't want a new panel/breakers that will cause problems with my insteon network. I have read that some of the arc-fault breakers are having problems/causing conflicts. Is this true? Any thing else to avoid? Any suggestions what to get? I also want to put in a whole-home surge protector. Good idea? Bad Idea?

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Can't help you on the circuit breaker except to tell you that my panel is square D and it doesn't cause any problems.


As far as whole house surge supressor. I have a Leviton model. I have no idea if it was a waste of money or not. It is a self sacrificing deal that dumps the extra current to ground to save your house (or at least that is the claim). So far it just sits there with two green lights. Perhaps one day I will come out and the green lights will be off indicating it died saving my house, or my house will be fried and I will know it was useless.


It certainly wasn't hard to install at least.

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