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Network Module \r \n


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Don't know if this was posted somewhere else, but has the data entering in the network module changed?


I noticed that if I use TCP C-Escaped now, I no longer see the \r\n at the end of all my commands. I enter them and once I hit save they disappear.

I do notice 2 empty lines after my command so it looks like the ISY converts then into actual line feeds and carriage returns, not keeping the \r\n text as previous.


I'm talking about the "Body" side, not the "Actual" side.

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Yes programs still work - the "actual" side never did show \r\n.


However, with previous versions (I don't know which version changed this), the \r\n always used to be visible on the "body" side. They are no longer visible after an update/save.

This is a bit of a pain because you really don't know what you have entered when you go back to take a look (\r, \r\n, \n\r, \r\r, etc).

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