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IOLinc Properties changes do not take effect


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*ISY IOLinc properties popup shows the IOLinc in Latching mode, but IOLinc acts like it's in momentary mode.

*Using HouseLinc2 to double-check properties, I found that the IOLinc was actually in Momentary A mode.


Detailed Description:

*I've been struggling to keep my wall heater turned ON with my IOLinc. I have the IOLinc relay wired in series with the magnetic thermostat so when the relay is closed, the thermostat controls the heater. When the relay is open, the heater is OFF and the thermostat has no effect.

*The IOLinc keeps opening the relay a short time after I send an ON (close relay) command, even though the ISY properties popup says the IOLinc is in Latching mode.


Has anyone experienced problems with the IOLinc properties popup, specifically with the momentary modes being out of sync with the IOLinc?


Thanks :)

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