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ISY Locked up?


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So I upgraded to 2.8.8 over the weekend from 2.7.15 on my ISY99IR Pro.


Everything has been fine until today. I noticed that I did not get my 6:00 PM email from the ISY as I do every day. This did not bother me much and I didn't think much of it. Tonight we went out to go to out friends house for about an hour. When we leave at night, we use a button on a KPL to trigger a scene and when the button triggers the scene we use a program to watch for the same kpl button to be "not off", it waits 2 minutes and them turns off the same scene. This has been working reliably until tonight also. When we got home I noticed the outside lights were still on. I tried to access the ISY when I got in and it would not allow local access from within my LAN. I looked at the unit and the power LED was on and no others were on or flashing. I cycled power to the ISY and now I can access it. I also got the power up email that I have it set to send when there is a power cycle.

The ISY's power source comes from the wall wart that came with the ISY26 and it is plugged into an APC UPS. I don't know of any power issues as of yet.


What do you think? A Fluke, underlying problem, etc...?

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Hi gatchel,


Apologies ... please take a look at your error logs and see if you see any connection errors (such as to WeatherBug: 14000x). If so, then this has been resolved in 2.8.9.


If you are installing 2.8.9, please make sure you use:

http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.9/admin.jnlp to install the firmware. Once done, make sure the unit has been upgraded (Help | About).


With kind regards,


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Tried the upgrade using the instructions here:





when I click on http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.9/admin.jnlp nothing happens. Using firefox I get an "openwith" and select the Java web start launcher which is default.


Is this link only going to work with the ISY on the same subnet? My PC is on 192.168.0.x and the ISY is on 192.168.1.x.

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