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Device Status Not Reporting


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Hi all,


I've been an Insteon user since the beginning, but Santa just brought me an ISY 99i with Dual Band PLM for Christmas, along with a few random Insteon devices.


I'm at my dad's house playing with the few parts I have available to get familiar before incorporating into my home network. I'm having issues and haven't found answers in the forums. Ok, to the point...


Windows 7 64. Linksys 54G.


Last night I set up the ISY/PLM. Connecting to ISY via UD website starts off with "Connected Socket Open Failed SSDPC Client." Hit "OK" and it goes away. I can't find anything on the pc regarding UPnP in the Network area or desktop.


Logging in works.


I've updated firmware to 2.8.10.


I've installed a Dual Band LampLinc, TriggerLinc and MorningLinc (last night)


Last night, things were connecting and interacting. Today, no such luck.


I can control the LampLinc and Morning Linc from the UD Admin Console.


No status' are being returned though. Current state for all devices remains blank. I can't seem to write to the devices either.


I've uplugged the PLM waited, and plugged back in.

I've rebooted the ISY.

The ISY, ISY power supply and PLM are all plugged into an extension cord. Cord not plugged into same duplex as computer, cable modem or any other device. It is plugged into an outlet in the same room though.

The cable modem has a backup battery.

Cable modem, computer and Linksys 54G are plugged into a surge suppressor.


I'm sure I'm missing something easy, but I can't figure it out.

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Hello kurelgyer,


I am so very sorry for the troubles you are having.


If Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Status/Info shows "Connected", then the problem is usually related to Java Cache (Certificates) or firewall software.


Please do the following:

1. Close all your browsers and clear your Java cache ( http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache )

2. Go to Java Console | Security and remove all Universal Devices Certificates

3. Go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.10/admin.jnlp


If you are still having problems, then please checkout this forum for solutions to firewall issues:



Please keep us posted.


With kind regards,


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