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Device off then on/repeat error


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  • 2 weeks later...



ELK actually found a bug in 5.1.8 which caused the issues you were experiencing. Here's the excerpt:

I have found the bug and it did pop up between v5.1.4 and v5.1.8. Let me try to explain what is happening: When a M1 lighting rule triggers, the lighting commands are buffered. We have a buffer that can hold up to 32 pending lighting devices at a time. The light's timer value is an element of this buffer. When the M1 receives a lighting update from the ISY it uses the same buffer, but the problem is that the M1 didn't clear the buffered timer value. So, if the ISY sends the M1 a lighting update, the M1 might store that update to a buffer position that previously held a timer value. When the M1 acts on that buffered light update it will see a timer value and associate the timer to the light that the M1 received from the ISY.


The good news is that I have tested the change to the rules that I suggested below and they are a good work-around and allows you to continue to use firmware version 5.1.8. Because in the new rules the timers are based off the phantom output instead of the light's timer, no timer value is stored in the lighting buffer. I do suggest that you power down the M1 to clear any lighting timer values that might be stored from before you changed the rules. After that no lighting timer values will be in play from the M1.


I've made the correction to the M1 code to fix this issue and it will be in the next release of the firmware. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you again for your help and time in this matter. Please let me know if you have any questions.



With kind regards,



accessha. Do you know if this issue goes away if you downgrade to 5.1.4?


snhroc, I downgraded to 5.1.4 on the Elk but now my ISY will not connect. Running 2.6.8 on the ISY.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi accessha,


I don't think you read the excerpt that I had posted:


Because in the new rules the timers are based off the phantom output instead of the light's timer, no timer value is stored in the lighting buffer. I do suggest that you power down the M1 to clear any lighting timer values that might be stored from before you changed the rules. After that no lighting timer values will be in play from the M1.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


I read back through the entire thread and didn't find a 'work around' for this issue. Was it downgrading the Elk firmware?

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