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Adding IR Linc Button (node)


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I have an IR Linc, it has been added to the ISY for some time however, I have not used it for anything. When originally added, I selected "keep existing links", and the ISY added it correctly. I now wanted to add more nodes on the IR Linc and using a universal NEC remote, followed the procedure "add button to IR Linc Recvr". I made several attempts and this process caused the ISY to throw an error "Discovering Nodes, Retry" when attempting to navigate to any other device. I have removed the IR Linc and re-added with the "remove existing links" option. The IR Linc was added however, same issue was repeated when attempting to add nodes again.


I am running 2.8.10 on the ISY, and the ISY reports the IR Linc as v22 ( It is one of the first versions).



Thanks for your help!



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