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kpl keypadlinc flashing the load


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Just before Christmas I had a 6key KPL start flasing it's load and faint beeping I had 2cfls and 1 incondesent 1st i removed both cfls and it still flashed the sing incond....I installed new 6keypad and it flashes I got me a toggle switch.... now I have a 2nd 8KPL (dif location that flashes with just incons on it airgapped and reset and soon has any button is pressed the load flashes....

I havenot seen any threads talk about loads flashing and no coms with ISY. got any insteon for dummies troublshooting.... I went on a noise hunt cause ISY scense have been irratic...it's about 2years old...know # yet been a long day.....PS I did relocate couple access points before this second KPL started flashing...??

what is odd is all the posts mention led (keys) flashing

mine is the "LOAD" the 6 incandesent lights connected to the load wire of the KPL all 3 instances


and yes my access points one by my plm i press 4 times and the remote one blinks "bright green"


I posted this on SH and they thought maybe somkind of restore went bad??

3 diff KPLS that all flash the load? about .5 sec on 1 sec off




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Hi Mark,


By load you mean the actual load is flashing? i.e the lamps? If so, the problem is surely electrical wiring related.


I have seen this in two cases:

1. Older/defective SwitchLincs

2. The load is higher than the maximum supported wattage of the device


I have never seen just the load LED (button A or ON) blinking.


With kind regards,


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yes it is the lights connected to the KPL


kpl1 a single 100 watt quartz light is under the rating

kpl2 6 40 watts candle incandosent are also

been working for 13 years with x-10 .....2 years with insteon without a glitch

(electrical wise)


here is what A SMARTHOME moderator said "No, that's not a communications issue or a device failure. That sounds like an ISY program conflict or an ISY 'restore device' that went bad. Ask over on the manufacturer's forum: http://forum.universal-devices.com"


thx Micheal


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I am not sure that I completely understood the details of your first post....


I have not experienced flashing loads, except during the process of linking. Is this condition repeatable for you? Does it happen randomly? Certain times? In response to some action on your part?


I would think that it would be pretty easy to eliminate the ISY as a potential cause. Remove power and unplug it from the PLM. If your problem goes away, then I would conclude most likely that the tech support at smarthome was correct. If the problem persists, then there is some additional troubleshooting to look forward to.

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Based on the Smarthome user-to-user forum post, I made that recommendation. I don't know if he actually made contact with Smarthome or not.


The original message was difficult to comprehend. The keypad hardware only applies a 'flash' when manually linked, so since he already swapped the keypad with another and found the symptoms to persist, I was comfortable ruling out a keypad malfunction. The ISY was the only device mentioned that offers anything close to a 'flashing' feature in normal operation--you can set up two programs, intentionally or unintentionally, that will force a device to 'flash' by sending on and off messages in sequence. I've also seen where a ISY restore event can cause odd malfunctions. That, and the fact that he was having other ISY issues led me to point him toward this forum. I hoped that a rewritten post would offer additional clarity, but instead the identical info was pasted here.


Taking the ISY out of the loop by powering it down would test the 'competing ISY program' theory. A wiring problem or faulty bulb could cause an irregular flicker but not a regularly-paced flash.


What I failed to consider was a non-Insteon transmitter influencing the triac directly. Is there a TED device, or some other technology that communicates over the power line, installed in the house?

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I agree that the original post was difficult to comprehend. I am still trying to figure out: "still flashed the sing incond..."


I also wonder about competing phase couplers. Is it possible that some old versions of x-10 boosterlincs or similar device could be trying to repeat commands in some form of a loop in such a way as to cause a flashing of the load?

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