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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Triggerlinc (2421)


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It appears that the Open group is the active one for indicating opening/closing.


There is also a Closed group that pops up when you link the device, but this is sometimes ON, and sometimes undefined, not sure what it does. Anyone know?


In addition there is a jumper on the circuit board, that is closed by default, any information on it?


I am using the external switch input for these, couldn't reliably use the magnets on a metal garage door. Still having some trouble with inconsistency and signals that shouldn't have been sent with the 2421's. Moved an access point right into the garage, and have access points on both sides of the power supply.


* Orest


Sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking. A little more background may help. Hopefully, I am just stupid and others can figure this out.


When the Jumper is in place the TriggerLinc sends On and Off commands to Group 1 which are reflected in TriggerLinc-Opened. When the jumper is removed the TriggerLinc sends only On commands, first to Group 1 (TriggerLinc-Opened) when magnet moved away from TriggerLinc, then to Group 2 (TriggerLinc-Closed) when magnet moved along side TriggerLinc.


Explanation of Jumper from TriggerLinc User Guide …



When the jumper is installed (default), TriggerLinc will send an INSTEON ON command when it opens and an OFF command when it closes. When the jumper is uninstalled (Multi-Scene Mode), TriggerLinc will activate Scene 1 when it opens and activate Scene 2 when it closes. Note: When installing or uninstalling jumper, battery will need to be removed then reinstalled for the new jumper setting to take effect.


Thanks Lee, I somehow missed that in the docs.


When installing or uninstalling jumper, battery will need to be removed then reinstalled for the new jumper setting to take effect.

That is what kept me from figuring it out.


* Orest

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