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Delayed Off With Double-Click?


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I'm playing around with double-clicking & my ISY-99 and have a question.


I put a new ToggleLinc Relay switch (2466SW) on my shop fan. I'd like to have a delay in turning it off if I double-click down. I would normally just turn it off by clicking the switch down. I'd like to setup the double-click down to delay turning the fan off for 5 minutes.


I just created this test program:


Control 'Shop Fan' is switched Fast Off


Wait 10 seconds

Set 'Shop Fan' Off


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


However, when I double-click down, the fan immediately goes off. What am I missing here? Am I not understanding how the double-click down (Fast Off) works? If this won't work, is there another way to do this?



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A double-tap of a switch sends a Fast On or Fast Off command to responder devices. In the case of a dimmer, the Fast commands override the linked dim level and ramp rate and immediately command the responder to go to 100% (FastOn) or 0%(FastOff). Relay devices immediately respond as on or off, so in theory you could link a relay to a scene with the level of OFF and an On would turn it off but a FastOn would turn it on.


If the fan in question is actually powered by a different Insteon device linked to a scene controlled by your switch, you could remove it from the scene and create programs to create different behaviors for On, Off, FastOn and FastOff. Or you could create a program that instead triggered with a FastOn instead of a FastOff.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the doubletap fastoff will always turn the local load off immediately. You could have the ISY run a program to turn it back on, then off after 5 minutes. Or you could rewire so that the switch doesn't control the load, but contols an Inlinelinc that controls the load.



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I think your are correct, xlurkr. It appears, based on the program, that the switch also controls the load. If so, turning the switch off (even fast off) will turn the load off, programs or scenes notwithstanding.


If this won't work, is there another way to do this?


Since you control the load via the switch, there aren't many ways to do this. You could get an inlinelinc and mount it in the fixture box, then program this much like you have. Short of any new devices, you could add a line in your program:


Control 'Shop Fan' is switched Fast Off
Set 'Shop fan" on
Wait 10 seconds
Set 'Shop Fan' Off
- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 


But this would, no doubt, result in the light going off for a second-or-so.

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Is there a reason you don't want to use the Fast On (quick double-tap of the On side of the paddle) to run your delayed off program?


The more I think about it, the more I like that idea. I could just set the program to check if a fast-on is received and the fan is already on, then start the countdown timer to shut it off.



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Why even check the status of the fan. Just make Fast On for the fan mean "give me 5 minutes of ventilation from now" regardless of whether the fan is running or not. So the program would be simply


       Control 'Shop Fan' is switched Fast On
       Wait 5 minutes
       Set 'Shop Fan' Off
       - No Statements -


Note that if you double-tap On (Fast on) one time, and then double-tap On again a couple of minutes later, the wait timer will reset to 5 minutes.

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If your shop lights are controlled by an Insteon switch you could also watch for that to be switched off. Then use a longer timeout than the double-tap. That would ensure the fan doesn't run all night if you forget to double-tap the fan controller (or the fast-on doesn't take).



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If your shop lights are controlled by an Insteon switch you could also watch for that to be switched off. Then use a longer timeout than the double-tap. That would ensure the fan doesn't run all night if you forget to double-tap the fan controller (or the fast-on doesn't take).




That's another great idea! Thanks

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