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Browser flashing after enabling ELK integration

Morris Hansen

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Just received a 99i/IR PRO with software version v.1.0.0.


Added all of my Insteon devices and scenes without any issues. Whenever I enter an IP Address and port number (2601) and hit Save, the top 10% of the browser where the Security/Code, etc for the ELK is displayed, starts flashing (showing the line, then goes away)


I have powered off and on the 99i as well as reseting to factory defaults and starting over. I am running the latest Java.


With this "flashing of the top few lines", basically makes the entire page unusable until you fight the browser to go in an remove the IP adddress and the port number and press Save.


Note: If I use the unsecured port (2101), it does not act this way but it does not show any ELK configuration options either.

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Hello mohansen,


Please use the unsecured port (2101), wait a few seconds, and you shall see all the ELK configuration options.


With kind regards,


Just received a 99i/IR PRO with software version v.1.0.0.


Added all of my Insteon devices and scenes without any issues. Whenever I enter an IP Address and port number (2601) and hit Save, the top 10% of the browser where the Security/Code, etc for the ELK is displayed, starts flashing (showing the line, then goes away)


I have powered off and on the 99i as well as reseting to factory defaults and starting over. I am running the latest Java.


With this "flashing of the top few lines", basically makes the entire page unusable until you fight the browser to go in an remove the IP adddress and the port number and press Save.


Note: If I use the unsecured port (2101), it does not act this way but it does not show any ELK configuration options either.

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Thanks, Michel.


I had tried that before but after your message I tried it again and had to reboot for it to work.


Now that it works, I was looking around to see what the ELK integration provided. The documentation/forums does not give a lot of detail except for the export/import of the Insteon devices.


Does the ELK integration provide any other functionality? I was hoping to be able to see/control all aspects (more than just the Insteon links) of the ELK. From what I can see, I am able to ARM/DISARM and see the link to go to the built in Java client on the ELK. Hopefully I am missing something.


For example: I was interested in using the ISY along with the JSDK to help interface my Insteon and ELK system to other controllers. The types of user interfaces with the ELK is limited to the ELK keypads and the limited Java web client. One approach is that I would like to leverage Cisco IP phones (with the touchscreens) to provide lighting, security and home automation from any room in the house. Also integrating with LinuxMCE would be very helpful as well.


I know Power-Home can do this with his scripting language. I didn't want to have to run a entire PC for this functionality. I was hoping ISY with the JSDK may be able to interface all of this together.



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The ELK integration is mostly one way: ELK to control and receive feedback from ISY. In all likelihood, we will never implement anything that would create services out of ELK's functionality simply because we believe for those specific ELK services, ELK team is much much more capable of providing/implementing them than we are. The Arm/Disarm functions are there only as convenience methods.


With kind regards,



Thanks, Michel.


I had tried that before but after your message I tried it again and had to reboot for it to work.


Now that it works, I was looking around to see what the ELK integration provided. The documentation/forums does not give a lot of detail except for the export/import of the Insteon devices.


Does the ELK integration provide any other functionality? I was hoping to be able to see/control all aspects (more than just the Insteon links) of the ELK. From what I can see, I am able to ARM/DISARM and see the link to go to the built in Java client on the ELK. Hopefully I am missing something.


For example: I was interested in using the ISY along with the JSDK to help interface my Insteon and ELK system to other controllers. The types of user interfaces with the ELK is limited to the ELK keypads and the limited Java web client. One approach is that I would like to leverage Cisco IP phones (with the touchscreens) to provide lighting, security and home automation from any room in the house. Also integrating with LinuxMCE would be very helpful as well.


I know Power-Home can do this with his scripting language. I didn't want to have to run a entire PC for this functionality. I was hoping ISY with the JSDK may be able to interface all of this together.



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