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Problem adding Venstar Thermostat


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I have added 2 additional Venstar thermostats today one went in correctly and without an issue.


The second hangs about 75% into adding the device with the green writing icon on the thermostat.


I get the error


Socket open failed java.io.IO Exeception An existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host. It hangs the admin console and I have to reboot the ISY to continue.


Do I have a bad dongle or any ideas what to do?


I have model 2441V version V.91


The thermostats both are 2491T1 T1700 with the humidity sensor not soldered out yet.


I am at version 2.8.16.

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Hello stevehoyt,


What is happening is that ISY cannot communicate with the thermostat ... is it possible to do a swap? i.e. plug the good dongle to the bad thermostat and vice versa. If the problem moves with the dongle, then you have a defective dongle. If the good dongle stops communicating with ISY, then the problem is that the signal is not reaching your thermostat.


With kind regards,


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