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So, what did I do wrong and how do I fix it?


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Yesterday, I decided to do some changes to my installation. I deleted the units (a Switchlinc and a KPL) through the admin console. I made the changes and then started the linking process. The linking process has been running for the last 23 hours. I gather from what I've read in the forums that the ISY is searching for something that it can't find. I failed to delete a scene that one of the units I changed out was in. Is this what the ISY is looking for? How do I stop the linking and correct my error? Thanks.



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I'm not sure which version (2.8.8, I think) of the firmware I'm running but it definitely needs to be updated. How can I check for the firmware version?


I'll power down and power back up and see what happens.


Thanks for the support!



Firmware: ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Help_Menu#About

2.8.8 should be fine.

Release 2.8.16 (RC) Is Now Available


I am beginning to suspect an issue with one of the new devices.

If you pull the Set button out on both devices does everything return to normal?


If so then try one device powered at a time.



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After killing power to the PLM and ISY and restoring it, the ISY was unable to communicate with 2 SWL's. They were on the same circuit as the units I replaced. I pulled the units and found a wire had come loose removing power from the 2 downstream SWLs. I have replaced the wire and all is well (for now). I'll upgrade my software later today.


Thanks again,


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I got all my earlier problems squared away. In addition, I made a succesful change swapping out one KPL for another. I then decided to upgrade the firmware to 2.8.16. I followed all the instructions in the Forum for upgrading the firmware. I believe that the upgrade was succesful. The help:about shows the firmware as 2.8.16. However, I still cannot finr the ISY in "My Network Places" and when I open the administrative console through the UDI website none of the statuses are shown. What can I do to fix this? Thanks.



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Try bringing up the Admin Console again. I do not always see device status displayed when I start the Admin Console. Restarting the Admin Console resolves the issue here.


In my case it is not a PLM problem. I can control devices through the Admin Console and simply starting the Admin Console again usually works. It appears the Java thread that receives the notifications does not receive the device status information. Here it is always all or nothing. When the Admin Console shows device status when it starts everything works fine.



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I've tried unplugging and replugging PLM/ISY. BUt I'll go try again.




Before the upgrade, I was having no problems. Now I can't control anything.


I will also try running an extension cord from another outlet. They ISY/PLM is in my electronics room with all the A/V equipment for the house.


Thanks to both of you for the reply.


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Alright. After another reboot of the ISY/PLM along with connecting the PLM on another electrical line, and reinitializing the admin console there is still no joy in Mudville. There is no status on any of my units in the admin console. Again, the problem occurred afyer upgrading to 2.8.16. Suggestions?



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It's truly amazing what you can accomplish, when you read the instructions!. :oops: I was attempting to access the admin console though a "favorites" link I had on my web browser. As soon as I downloaded the JAVA App and ran it, every thing became hunky-dory. Thanks.


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