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Internet Disabled - Mail Server Fail


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Newbie over here.

I have setup Isy this evening. I have several 2420M Motion Sensor that now trigger my Front lights. Pretty cool.

I'm trying to send an alert on Sensor.

I setup the mail server per the guide using gmail'ssetup for isyAlerta@gmail.com

My problem is that the I keep getting a Mail Server Fail. -50010 Mail Server DNS Error [null]

Any Idea.

Something weird is also that in Help About, I get Internet Disabled.

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hi Michel,

I am now able to send a email notification through the internet.

I went into my router did a Single POrt forward on port 587 for Isy's IP address.

That did the trick.


I then did an Enable Internet from the File Menu and no luck. I still get Internet Disabled.

I am on a Dynamic IP using DHCP.

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I post this only because the weekend is starting. ISY access to the Internet is established either through the Enable Internet option which requires the router support UPnP or by manually establishing Port forward as you have successfully done. It sounds like the router does not support UPnP so the Enable Internet option does not work and is not necessary when you have manually configured Port forwarding.



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