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Activate a program based on Scene?


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I am continuing to convert my Heyu scripts over to my Isy so I can eventually do away with my CM11A. The one I am currently working on is my coffee marker script. The script is simple, I have a button on an insteon keypad in my upstairs washroom that turns on the coffee marker so I can turn it on when I get up. After 1 hour it automatically turns off, or can also turned off if the coffee button is turned off.


I created a program for this in my Isy:



Status 'Second Floor / Office / Office1.Coffee' is On


Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' On

Wait 60 Minutes

Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' Off


Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' Off


It works very well.


I tried to see if I could create a scene to control the program as I have multiple coffee buttons (bedroom, master bath, office) and my thought was to replace the specific button in the if/else/then with the scene status instead. This way the buttons would all turn on and off in regardless of which one I pressed and would reflect the status of the coffee maker itself and the program.


However it doesn't appear that I can use a scene in the If/Else/Then parts of an ISY program. If thats the case, can anyone suggest a better way to to accomplish this? Or is the only way to list all the buttons in the program itself?


Thank you,


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Status 'Second Floor / Office / Office1.Coffee' is On


Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' On

Wait 60 Minutes

Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' Off


Set 'Main Floor / Kitchen / Kitchen.CoffeeMaker' Off


I ended up putting all the coffee buttons in the if statement and added an Or for each one. I kept the scene and put each of the buttons in as a controller. It seems to work correctly.


I am just wondering if this is the best way to accomplish this with the Isy and if this is the most efficient way?



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