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power outage details


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I have set up some routines that will allow the system to survive/restore on a power outage, having to reset EZIO relays and appliance modules, and so on.


The ISY is power backed up, it will not go down.


The PLM of course is not, and it will power cycle.


Is there some way for the ISY (user) to detect a power cycling of the PLM, while the ISY remains powered up? I use a time delay relay on the sense for a 2450, as well monitoring the status of a 2450 relay that is normally set ON, but having something more programatically "direct" would be cool.


Also, I've observed that the ISY seems to do a full My Lighting query when the PLM is power cycled and comes back on, although it is not consistent. Is this normal? Of course I would want exactly that done in general.


* Orest

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