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Release 3.1.2 (Beta) Is Now Available

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I've never had a problem upgrading before so I wanted to post this. Last night, I upgraded from 3.1.0 to 3.1.3 and one of my Scenes started turning on and off like a light show! So I downgraded back to 3.1.0 and now I am getting Java Socket errors. I made two mistakes and will admit them here to help you figure out how to correct this mess.


First, I forgot to clean the Java cache (I did it after I realized my mistake)

Second, after downgrading back to 3.1.0, I forgot to restore from my backup.

Third, I swaped out my PLM during all of this because I though it was going bad.


I finally got everything working but still occaisionally get a Java error.



Is there a way to completely restore my entire system back to where I was before last night?

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I would like to be able to control the On Level for my devices with a program. for instance, at sunset then set the master bedroom light on level to 40 percent. and then at sunrise set it back to 100. Is this possible with the current programming?



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Is it that you want to actually turn a given device on at a specific level from a Program, that is certainly supported.


If the question is can the Local On Level be changed by a Program such that when the device paddle/button is pressed it comes on at a new Local On Level, that may be possible but I would have to run a test to verify.


Please clarify which you want to do. Thanks



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Hello mitch236,


Please check your device tree and make sure you do not have any green 0101 icons.


Furthermore, would you please let me know what you mean by replacing the PLM? Did you actually follow through with File | Restore Modem ?


polexian, local on level is not supported in programs because in older devices setting on level/ramp rate required an airgap.


With kind regards,


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Hello mitch236,


Please check your device tree and make sure you do not have any green 0101 icons.


Furthermore, would you please let me know what you mean by replacing the PLM? Did you actually follow through with File | Restore Modem ?


With kind regards,





You were right on. There were green 0101 icons for my motion sensors. Once I wrote the updates, all was well.


I did replace the PLM using Restore Modem so that wasn't the cause.



I realized something. My setup is so complex at this point with so many programs that I realized I shouldn't use Beta firmware. My setup was rock solid on 3.1.0 and I should have been satisfied.

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I didn't see this reported elsewhere, so I wanted to report it. This issue is fully reproducible in firmware 3.1.2 (at least on my ISY-99)


1. Create a scene

2. Add a switchlinc device as a responder to the scene

3. Add a KeypadLinc button as a controller to the scene (i.e. button A on a 6 button KPL)

4. right click on the KPL button in the scene and select the 'remove from scene'


At this point you will the ISY start writing the links, but it will stop and display the 0101 next to all devices it is writing to. The admin console will not refresh from this point forward.


The operation does complete successfully, and restarting the admin console will get things displaying fine again.


Hope this helps,


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Hi Michel,


No problem.


If you have anything you want me to try, or if there is any additional information that would be helpful, just let me know.


Just a little more info: This is only happening with removing KeypadLinc buttons from scenes and only when they are the controller in the scene. I also confirmed that it is an issue with all three KeypadLincs I have installed, so I do not believe it is device specific.


Since you have not been able to reproduce yet, I'm a bit concerned that there might be something flaky with my system. But besides the thermostat adapter issues, this is the only problem I have had (and it is not a major issue).


To answer your question, besides the base Windows7 firewall, there are no 3rd party Firewalls installed.




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Hello Mike,


Thanks so very much for the update.


I did try again and I still can't reproduce the problem. This is the sequence of activities:

1. First you will see green 0101 icons on all devices that are impacted (KPL is the controller and other devices are responders/controllers)

2. Then, ISY will go through each unique device with 0101 icon and tries programming it ... when this is happening, that devices will have a green Writing icon

3. When all programs have been written to that device, the green Writing icon goes away and device's original icon shows up again

4. Go back to 2


In all cases, I am not left with green 0101 icons. Green 0101 icons mean that ISY tried programming devices but it failed in the middle. The fact that opening the Admin Console fixes the issue tells me that, in all likelihood, ISY status is not in synch with the Admin Console. And, this is usually related to firewall or network disconnects.


Do you have more than one computer? If so, does this happen on all your computers?


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel.


I've tried two other machines now, and everything works just fine on those machines. So this does appear to be a problem with the environment of the machine I was using.


I feel silly for not trying on other machines first, but the issue was so isolated and specific that it not occur to me that it could be an environmental issue.


Thanks for taking the time to help me identify the issue. Now to figure out what is wrong with my main PC!


- Mike

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Final update from me....


I disabled the firewall, but the issue remained.


I then uninstalled Java (6 update 17) and re-installed it with the latest version (6 Update 25).


Everything is working as it should now. Mot sure if it was the re-install or the newer version, but I am happy that the issue is resolved.




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There seems to be a minor problem in the UI with the slider controls (or maybe it's just me, always possible).


Click on any SL dimmer. If I grab the little "current state" level slider control and move it around, the dim level changes as expected.


However if I click to the left or right of the slider control to step it down or up, the level display and actual level doesn't change (and a query then puts it right back where it was).


I've tried this on several different dimmers and they all behave the same.


And the same behavior seems to happen to the on-level and ramp rate controls though I've only checked that on one dimmer.


I first noticed this in 3.1.1 but I'd assumed the ramp rate fix was part of it.


I did clear the Java cache, and check that the version shows 3.1.2. I'm probably forgetting something though...

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However if I click to the left or right of the slider control to step it down or up, the level display and actual level doesn't change (and a query then puts it right back where it was).


Confirmed on mine as well.





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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello ISY Team


I can confirm that with 3.1.2 you can now adjust LED brightness on Dimmers and Relays - but not with Dual Band Dimmers




Is this going to be fixed in 3.1.3? I can confirm I have this problem also.


Thanks, I'm a bit of a newbee here so I'm just keen but appreciate all the efforts.

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