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Direct running of console under Linux


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This is based on ISY v2.8.16 and Kubuntu but should work for most Linux's.


First read the instruction for the release of ISY 2.8.16:




Speaking from experience this method is fragile and will produce odd results when the version of the jre or console change. But that being said I hate having to have a browser window open in order to having the admin console running. Also I am also assuming if you are running Linux, you have basic computer competency and accept that anything going wrong using this is your fault.


So this is what I did:


1) Set your browser association so that jnlp files are either saved or prompted then go to:




and save the file to somewhere you would like to keep it.


2) Now edit the file and replace www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.16 with your ISY IP address and save it.


3) Now you have to run it with the right javaws. Java under Linux is sometimes a little wierd with OpenJDK vs Sun. So I had to call the right javaws with full pathing. My Sun javaws was located:




So when I was setting up the icon the command line is:


/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- admin.jnlp


with the working folder being where the admin.jnlp is. With this command line you should see a Sun Java splash screen before the admin console runs (this is good). If you want to suppress the splash add the -Xnosplash to the command line (the X is not a typo)


If you launch the console and the little sun or moon icons are not next to the sunrise sunset time or the status of your devices does not display, you have something wrong.


I hope this helps those few Linux geeks out there.

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You are absolutely right and then you don't even have to edit the admin.jnlp file to change the IP address.


At first my Firefox was running the local jnlp and not prompting and the external resource was prompting. But now that I check it it is also prompting to save the local admin.jnlp from my ISY.


Should I edit the procedure?

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Hi ernie,


Thanks so very much for the clarification. No, I do not think you should update the procedure.


Personally, I think the /99i/admin.jnlp is much more useful since it's not tied to a specific IP address (Admin Console searches for ISY on the network). Is there a problem using /99i/admin.jnlp with Linux?


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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Actually I get ISY not found. The only thing on 24/7 in my network is my Verizon FIOS router/modem and I guess either with it and/or Linux there isn't uPNP name resolution.


From the router it gets a DNS name of ISY99-HOME-AUTO

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