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I think i Screwed up my ISY.. :S


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I just added a new Switch.. added the device to the ISY.. and I was draging the device to a 'folder'..


I accidently clicked and dragged something to something in the device list.. and the folder I was working on just disapeared..


I tought it was just a display problem so I closed the windows, and when i tryed to re-open it ISY just hang there..


I tryed to PING the ISY IP and it was dead so I power off/on the ISY..


I can now connect to it, I can browse the Scene,Program page but when I go th device page it just crash there or stay empty.. when I go in program and craete a new program I can still see the device list in the dropdown but I can't see my device treeview.. when I try to go on the device tab in the java admin app it keep empty, and when I try to go on the device webpage device it just crash there and keep unresponding..


I had a issue-free setup for the past few month..


I don't really know the way to 'diagnostic' isy problem..


Now what can I do?..


How do I don't loose those tondz of hours I passed configuring my ISY ??



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When i'm in an insteon action of a program, I can browse the list of device, it look like all my devices and folder are there, except the two folder I was working with, but the device I was moving/renaming are there outside the folders..


I just did a ISY Backup (okay I should have tried that option BEFORE screwing up :S)


And I opened a few UND files.. look like they represent every nodes ( FOLDER and DEVICE) of my setup.. is there a way to know WITCH one is FAILING? so I could try to correct it manually? Or is there documentation on how device are stored? I could code a lilittle C++ app to check the integrity of the device tree.

What are the Rec files for ?


D2D folder look like all my program so at least if I need to factory reset my ISY I could import my PGM files from this backup to another one and restore it..


What Happen if I Remove bunch of UND files and Restore it ? is there an Index somewhere? or Could I try restoring them 1 by 1 until I find the one that screw up?


Ohh and in case this matter I'm running the factory version v2.7.15 ISY PRO IR

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I think I found the bug..!


The two folder who disapeared are "0e" and "SousSol"


Here is what I found in the UND files:


File 157.und:

ID: 53724

Text: SousSol

ParentID: @499


File 127.und:

ID: 499

Text: 0e

ParentID: @53725



My device 106.und called "SousSol Piece" (the one i was dragging before I mist click and dragged the folder 0e to sometwhere) point to parrent 53724

I think actually that I dragged a parent folder to it child folder, witch gave me this cycle of referance..


I also found two device nod pointing to the folder 53725


Look like both node are referring each other as parent..


I will try to change the parent value of one of them to point to another directory and restore it to my ISY..

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I guess this is a fixed bug in a newer version, but if anyone get into this problem.. I found another folder that had the same id lenght (5 digit) in my case it was 24463 witch is the same lenght as on of the two bugging folder (53724) I extracted the main zip, and the child zip (the backup is two zip one in the other) I modified my 127.und to put 24463 instead of 53724 after the @


saved the file, push it back to the child zip, then push back the child zip in the parent zip.. then restored to ISY..


Oufff! :)


a big thanks to ISY conceptor for creating a backup system that can be edited!! :)


Lesson learned: I'll backup my ISY each time I modify it ;)


Now I can go enjoy the sun outside :)

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Hi Michel, don't worry.. I'm a programmer myself.. I know those kind of bug are normal, there is no way to do a perfectly bug-free program.. the ISY is honestly very nice and I'm personally very impress by it quality.. this bug wasn't that bad, i'v been able to solve it in a short time..


I am very happy If I was able to help you improove this very nice product :)


Thanks again for your great work and support :)

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