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Having the ****est time with the EZX10-RF in 3.1.1


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Was having trouble with the EZX10RF so I completely removed the EZX10RF from the ISY, factory reset it and re-added it with a "clear all links". (I've tried this a few times, always with the same results.)


The problem is that I cannot seem to link X10 code B1 to the ISY. B2-B7 add fine, just not the B1. Even if I link B2 first, B1 won't link in the ISY. I assume other house codes would do the same but haven't tried any.


I seem to link the code to the EZ OK. Then click OK in the ISY dialog and the ISY log shows "writing 0 bytes to devices" and nothing else. No subdevice shows up, no "wait..." dialog. Nada.


When I read the link table for the EZ after that, it shows me this (the device address of the EZ is 0d.f1.cb):


0FF8: E2 01 11 CC CD 03 05 92

0FF0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


This shows a mismatch with the ISY link table which shows:


0FF8: E2 01 11 CC CD FF 1F 01


Any idea what gives? Should I try linking some non-used code first like J1 just to get past whatever this issue is? Or is this something deeper?


Also, I'll mention there is a minor bug of some sort with the EZ and the ISY. At one point I accidentally tried to add an X1 device to the EZ after I'd deleted the EZ from the ISY again. The ISY doesn't like that. It gets into some sort of snarl where an "OK" dialog comes up "discovering nodes, retry" then closes out. The only way to clear it is to power-cycle the ISY. A reboot doesn't help.

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The following link record was established with a Set button link from a PLM with revision 92 software. The ISY did not complete the “Add X10 Device to EZX10RF†process. This can happen if the System Busy process is not allowed to complete after clicking OK.


0FF8: E2 01 11 CC CD 03 05 92


The ISY plays no direct part in establishing the actual X10 code with the EZX10RF. Setting the X10 code is between the EZX10RF and the device sending the B1 code. I have not heard of a problem with the EZX10RF having an issue with a specific X10 code.


What are you using to send the B1 X10 address?


I’ll set up a test here using B1 specifically.


Please confirm you added the EZX10RF to the ISY using New Insteon Device specifying the EZX10RF device type rather than using the Link Management | Add X10 Device to EZX10RF. If done this way it makes the first X10 code added to the EZX10RF slightly different since the EZX10RF is already defined to the ISY.



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I added the EZX10RF using the ISY "Link device". Type from the list was 03.0d. Put in the name I want and Insteon address and it seems to find it OK.


I never see a "System Busy" dialog on that first link. The event log just shows "writing 0 bytes to device" and does nothing more regardless of waiting.


AFAICT the EZ and B1 code link up just fine. Just the ISY doesn't see the linkage.


Sending the codes using a 16-button Palm Pad, pressing B1/ON.


When I get home I may try doing a dummy code for that first link, since everything after that seems to go fine. But I don't like the link mismatch, nor the overall penny-in-the-fusebox approach.

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I don’t know what “Link device†is.


The documented process for adding the EZX10RF to the ISY and defining an X10 code is Link Management | Add X10 Device to EZX20RF. I suggest following that process. Any other way of defining the EZX10RF is not what UDI publishes for adding the EZX10RF and may explain why the first code is having a problem.



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Sorry - I am not at home right now and can't see the specific labels.


There is an option on the ISY link menu to add a new EZX10RF. That is what I'm using. There is also a post of on this forum with a discussion of same.


I'm following the procedure the ISY dialog describes the link process for the devices. The documentation on the EZX10RF is a bit vague at the end as to whether one long press or two (between the program waits), but the flashing seems clear enough and I've tried it both ways.


If I link B2 instead of B1 it all works, so I dobut it is the individual steps.

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Yes I do! I got the $29.99 10-pack "deal". You know, the last chance one they give every ummm.... 15 minutes.


I've tried a brand new one also. They both do the same thing.


I'm starting to think maybe something's wonky with the EZ itself? Or maybe it needs a firmware update? The link mismatch says something. I just don't know exactly what.


I'm going to try resetting it again, taking it out of they ISY, and linking in a dummy code first (like J9) and then see what B1 does when it comes #2.


Thanks. I'll post back.

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The same thing happens if I try to link C1 first. If I then do a restore-device on the EZ and compare I always get that first record mismatch. If the restore was working and the ISY is sane I don't see how that happens unless the EZ is mis-flashing or misbehaving somehow.


So I think this is simply just a failed EZ. It looks like a retooled serial PLM so it probably imbeds all the grief that goes with being of that heritage. I'll get another one and see, but my guess is a new one takes care of this.


I think the root problem is shown in the comm log (below) for that first link. The "unexpected" LNK-END line. That shows for B1 and C1 linked first. It doesn't show on a successful X10 link up.


Anyone from UDI have any different thoughts?


Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:04 PM : [LNK-BGN     ] 02 64 00 00 06 

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : [LNK-STAT    ] 02 53 S(00) gid=01 0D.FE.CB 0000 00 

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : Linked: Linked 0D.FE.CB.01 type=03.0D.00

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : [LNK-END     ] 02 65 06 : : Unexpected, ignored (65)

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Mon 04/25/2011 05:17:05 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

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It takes longer than the few seconds shown in the Event Viewer trace to add the EZX10RF to the ISY for the first X10 code. The status messages in the lower left corner of the Admin Console should track the progress. If the EZX10RF Set button is pressed too soon after clicking the first OK the link record in the EZX10RF that was created by the Set button (done under the covers by the ISY) has not been updated with the correct information needed by the ISY. Thus the mismatch between the link record created by the simulated Set button press and what the ISY needs to have written in the EZX10RF.


I will delete my EZX10RF and add it back with a B1 which you have now determine to be unrelated. I’m pretty sure the device add process is not completing before the EZX10RF Set button is pressed to advance the process. I will post the Event Trace from the initial part of the first device add as well a generally time the first EZX10RF X10 code add.

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After clicking OK the first time, after sending the X10 code to the EZX10RF, the lower left corner of the Admin Console shows a Yellow flag for approx 40 seconds displaying message Initialization System. After that the System Busy message displays for another 20 seconds approximately for a total of a little more than 60 seconds to complete the processing associated with the first OK click. This processing must complete and the Ready message come back with a green flag before the Set button on the EZX10RF can be pressed again. Otherwise the add process does not complete.


Below is the first part of the Event Viewer trace with Device communications events selected. The initial SHN device add is time consuming as the ISY must determine the size of the PLM memory in the EZX10RF before it can proceed to update the link record. You will see Set MSB for 0F, 1F and 3F as part of the process to determine memory size of an SHN device PLM memory.


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:51 PM : [LNK-BGN ] 02 64 00 00 06


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:52 PM : [LNK-STAT ] 02 53 S(00) gid=01 01.DB.DE 0000 00


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:52 PM : Linked: Linked 01.DB.DE.01 type=03.0D.00


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:52 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] Start : Adding device to ISY


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] Finish : Adding device to ISY was Successful


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [All ] Writing 0 bytes to devices


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] Calculating EZxx Address Offset


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [LNK-END ] 02 65 06


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [standard Msg. Handler] Unexpected Ack imCmd=65 cmd1= 0xDE


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:53 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:57 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 00 PEEK (00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:58 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 1F 06 SET-MSB(1F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 1F SET-MSB(1F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 00 PEEK (00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:41:59 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 3F 06 SET-MSB(3F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 3F SET-MSB(3F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 85 PEEK (85)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:00 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.56.66 00.00.02 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [standard-Group][14.56.66-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.56.66 12.9F.E4 41 11 02 LTONRR (02)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [standard-Cleanup][14.56.66-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:01 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 00 PEEK (00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 29 01 06 POKE (01)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 29 01 POKE (01)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:02 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 1F 06 SET-MSB(1F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 1F SET-MSB(1F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 00 PEEK (00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:03 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 29 02 06 POKE (02)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.56.66 00.00.02 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [standard-Group][14.56.66-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 14.56.66 12.9F.E4 41 13 02 LTOFFRR(02)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [standard-Cleanup][14.56.66-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 29 02 POKE (02)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [01.DB.DE.1] EZxx start address at 0x0FFF


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:04 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 28 3F 06 SET-MSB(3F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:05 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 28 3F SET-MSB(3F)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:05 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][01.DB.DE-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:05 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.DB.DE 0F 2B FF 06 PEEK (FF)


Mon 04/25/2011 09:42:05 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.DB.DE 12.9F.E4 2B 2B 85 PEEK (85)

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Yes, that's more or less what I see when it works, but not when it doesn't.


That, and the link mismatch, and the link error all make me think this guy's just broke in some weird way.


My guy's even has a little "2412S" sticker on the back. I have a strong feeling I can add it to my growing collection of partly-functional half-brain-dead serial PLMs.


Thanks for your efforts. I'll post back when I have a replacement but I'm betting that's the end of this nonsense.

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I finally recreated your situation but do not know what I did different on that test than the dozens of tests run before it. I did not have trace running as it had worked so many times before I stopped running the trace. I'll get back to this after some sleep.


I suggest doing the following. Use Link Management | New INSTEON Device specifying the Device Type of EZX10RF and Remove existing links to initially add the EZX10RF to ISY. This option is listed in the install popup instructions except it states to use this method if preserving existing links which you would not use that link record option. Then use the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF for each X10 code. This is the sequence I used during the 2.8.x testing where SHN device support was officially added.


Once I figure out exactly what I did to recreate the problem I'll update this topic.



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Thanks, but do not walk down this road any farther. Seriously.


The various EZ and EZ device add/removes have now put my ISY in a state where it would not query. After power-cycling it, it reinitialized and will not accept any backup to restore, even after a FR. I be bummed.


I'm going to call UDI today to see what can be done, but I'd suggest discontinuing any more EZX10 testing. I'm quite sure something in all that was the cause.

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Sorry to hear of the problem with backup/restore. Appreciate the heads up. I've done hundreds of hours of testing on the SHN devices. Have many installed and working so I'm not worried about the exposure. I'd be more concerned about not running the latest 3.1.x beta than working with SHN devices. Good luck with the recovery.



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Using Add X10 Device to EZX10RF to initially add the EZX10RF to the ISY creates a conflict between the link record being created using Set button simulation and the process of determining the EZX10RF PLM memory size (or maybe the fact the link record is subsequently deleted later). Results in a link active bit not being set that is required for the EZX10RF to use the link record.


The solution is to use “New INSTEON Device†to add the EZX10RF device to the ISY. Then use the “Add X10 Device to EZX10RF†to define X10 codes.


Be sure to allow enough time for each function to complete before pressing the Set button on the EZX10RF to proceed to the next step. The left corner of the Admin Console shows a flag (yellow/green) and a message when the ISY is busy processing the various steps.



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LeeG, seems I still very much need your help.


Still having the same issue with a new EZ, so it must be Me, not It.


Here is what I'm doing:


Starting with a factory-reset EZ and nothing in the ISY: I select Link Management... New Insteon Device. Address for this new guy is 19.ac.45, name EZX10RF, type is the same (03.0D). Leave "remove existing links." Click OK. The EZ add itself takes about 45 seconds. ISY shows busy and initializing system and the comm log scrolls along and all looks like it's working and the EZX10RF shows up in My Lighting. So far so good?


My palm pad is set to house codes C1-C9. In the ISY, I clear the comm log. I select Link Management... Add X10 device to EZX10RF with the "EZX10RF" node selected in the console. I hold the EZ button 4+ seconds and let it up. I press C1-ON on the palm pad. EZ light flashes brighter. Then I click OK in the console.


And here is where it seems to go off the rails. The ISY never displays a busy dialog, never shows a busy message. Just does a few comm commands and shows "Ready" in the lower left. The ISY is now completely idle and no X10 node has been added. Here is the comm log for that if it sheds any light:


Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:09 PM : [LNK-BGN     ] 02 64 00 00 06 

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : [LNK-STAT    ] 02 53 S(00) gid=01 19.AC.45 0000 00 

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : Linked: Linked 19.AC.45.01 type=03.0D.00

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : [LNK-END     ] 02 65 06 : : Unexpected, ignored (65)

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Tue 04/26/2011 05:09:10 PM : [All         ] Writing 0 bytes to devices


If I now go back and add X10-C2, it works - it behaves exactly as you describe and as I would expect, clicking along with peeks and pokes and what-not with the busy dialog and a new 19.AC.45.2 node showing up.


FWIW, if I now try to add C1, it still doesn't add - same problem.


Any suggestions?

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When the New INSTEON Device completed there should have been a node defined for the EZX10RF. When the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF ran it assigned the X10 code to the node that was created by the New INSTEON Device. Another node would not be defined. The posted trace for the Add X10 Device to EZX10RF for the first node is very quick. It matches what I traced on my system.


Remember the EZX10RF node is not displayed in collating order in the My Lighting tree. It should appear at the end of the devices before the Scenes. Once the C1 X10 code has been assigned to the first node I don't think it can be assigned to another Group number (that is from memory). Sending an X10 C1 On would not generate an On for multiple nodes.



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Thank you. It is indeed working now.


There were several problems going on:


The first was that my PLM link table apparently corrupted when the ISY dumped last night and it only had about 1/2 it's link records (270 of 438 or something). So I restored that.


The old EZ still does the record mismatch on that first link which I've just re-verified. The new one does not have this problem. Add to that my entire system clicks along noticeably faster with the comm events and fewer retries tells me something is wrong for sure with that old one. In fact, taking the old EZ off-circuit has fixed a long-standing sporadic comm problem out in the garage (which is where it resided). So a happy surprise there.


And of course I'd forgotten how the ISY UI groups and displays the EZ nodes so I would have been stupidly piddling with that for hours if you hadn't reminded me.


All good. In fact much better than it was. Thanks again.

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Well, I somehow did it again.


I added a link to the EZX10RF, but the ISY got itself into a state where it would only say "Discovering Nodes..." and the "Link Management" menu item wouldn't work.


A reboot of the ISY then gets it into a mood where it briefly shows "Discovering nodes, Retry" and then closes out.


Power-cycling the ISY clears that, but it is then in a state where nothing queries and it shows "uuid failed" with an address when you try. Rebooting the ISY again finally gets everything back working.


I'm not sure how I wander into that, and it's probably me getting something out-of-sequence somewhere. But it's happened twice now, so not just a glitch.

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Don't know if any of this tracks to what you see. I have a very intermittent situation where the Admin Console does not display any device status. Normally I just shutdown the Admin Console and invoke it again with correct results. However, if I miss the fact that device status is not being displayed and try to do some Link Management function such as Start Linking, I see similar results to what you describe.


Removing power from the ISY is the only way I have found to clear the situation. Restarting the Admin Console does not clear the problem. I normally do not try any Admin Console function when device status does not display as I know the thread the Admin Console is dependent on to get status from the ISY is not working. The failure to display device status is intermittent to begin with and trying to do link management in that situation is even more rare. Never tried adding an EZX10RF X10 code when device status is not being displayed but there is such similarity in symptoms they seem related.


Watch for device status not being displayed by the Admin Console and see if it is associated with problems with link management and the EZX10RF.



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Thanks - I've never had that happen other than when linking with the EZ but I'll definitely watch for it now. Kind of weird whatever it is is able to persist through a reboot - I was thinking it had something to do with the write-update batching.


BTW Do you know if there's any way to remove an X10 code for the EZ from the ISY? (At least anything besides deleting the device and starting over.)


The EZ has a procedure for delinking an X10 code (pressing OFF), but I don't see any obvious way to translate that into the ISY.

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Not that I know of through the ISY. If you have a spare PLM or can temporarily connect the ISY PLM to a PC with XP the free Simplehomenet Utility Suite can remove/change an X10 code definition. The Utility makes not changes to the PLM so it can be safely used in this manner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't know if any of this tracks to what you see. I have a very intermittent situation where the Admin Console does not display any device status.


Having said I'd not seen it before, today I saw it. :D


I'd just rebooted the workstation. When I brought up the console, nothing was statused and device queries didn't work. I just got the "double-uuid" error dialog. Restarting the console did not help. A reboot seems to have cured it.

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I really should screenshot the thing, huh? I give you my word next time I will. (Or you can fool around with an EZX10-RF and you'll probably get there soon enough. :D )


As I remember it, it's basically is an "OK" dialog that has two "UUID" errors (whatever those are) on the top and bottom with what looks like Insteon MAC addresses in each one. I just click it away figuring it's time to reboot the ISY.

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