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Notify Then Condition


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I have configured my email server and can send test messages without issue. However, when I use the Notify Action in a Then expression the email never works. (Run Then)


Please advise.


Sorry, forgot to add that it has something to do with my Custom Notification. I created a "Secuity Alert" with Subject as follows:


Security Triggered ${alert.date}-${alert.time}


And body as follows:


Basketball Sensor Detected Movement and triggered this event.





Something about this may be the issue.

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Hello jz6pwc,


What happens if you right mouse click on the program and the click Run Then? If this works, then the problem is the condition not being evaluated to true. If this does not work, then please check your Error Log for errors starting with -50000 and let use know what they are. If neither, then please check your junkmail.


With kind regards,


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