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System in safe Mode

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I receive this error message when I logon to my ISY admin console.


"Your system is in safe mode.


This is normally caused when the system cannot communicate with the PLM.

Please check the connections/wiring to the PLM and then reboot your system.

If the problem persists in all likelihood the PLM is defective."


I inadvertently plugged the PLM directly into my switch/hub. Could this cause the PLM to become defective.

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Unplug the ISY and the PLM for at least 30 seconds. I have not seen anyone post that result. Make sure the cable between the ISY and PLM are tightly snapped in and in the Port A connector on the ISY.

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If the PLM has been relocated remember the connection between the ISY and the PLM is a Serial Port connection. There are cable length limitations for a Serial Port that would not apply to an Ethernet connection. Also try a different cable between the ISY and the PLM if power cycling does not help.

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Since the ISY99i was still working. You are using the external power supply and a 2413S?

It could be possible with a 2412S to pop the fuse in it and the ISY99i would no longer get power when reconnected correctly.

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LeeG -


I have checked connections, changed cable, and unpluged the PLM for over an hour. Still receive same error.


Any other ideas?


Brian -


My ISY does not have a seperate power supply.

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The additional power off time does not help. Need enough time for the power supply to bleed off which should occur well before 30 seconds. Do you have another PLM that can be used temporarily to see if the ISY will recognize it? Was the ISY plugged into wrong location as well? It does sound like the PLM is not responding over the serial interface. It may be that making the wrong connection is rarely done and folks have replaced the PLM without making queries on any of the forums or perhaps I have missed a similar situation. Normally something as drastic as damaging a device gets around very quickly.


The only other thing I can think of is to factory reset the PLM. That is a pretty drastic step as the “Restore Modem (PLM)†can be long process. Of course if the ISY still cannot see the PLM a long restore would be meaningless.


Do you have an EZIO8SA which has an external Serial PLM that can be used temporarily to see if the ISY will see any PLM.

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Since you are powering the ISY99i through the PLM. It is a 2412S.

The 2413S Dual Band does not supply power to the ISY99i.


When you connected the 2412S to the network connection.

You connected the raw 12 volts {18-20 volts} in the PLM through the transmit data transformer {1 to 2 Ohms} in the network. Back into the RS232 transmit pin on the RS232 IC. It is possible you damaged the RS232 interface IC on the daughter card in the PLM.


I would also recommend. Trying a different PLM if you have one.

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LeeG -

Unfortunately I do not have an a spare PLM.


When I reset the PLM back to factory defaults does that clear all of my progams as well as all insteon devices on my network?

Would I be able to simply restore from backup?


How do you reset the PLM?


Brian -


If I need to purchase new PLM which model whould you suggest? My ISY is a 99i.

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Resetting the PLM clears the link records in the PLM. They are restored using File | Restore Modem (PLM). Programs are located in the ISY which would not be affected by a PLM reset. Link records located in individual devices are not affected by a PLM reset. Be sure to take a current backup of the ISY using File | Backup ISY before resetting the PLM. If the PLM circuitry is damaged the ISY will not be able to connect to the PLM even with a factory reset.


To reset the PLM, unplug the PLM for 30 seconds, press and hold PLM Set button while unplugged, plug-in PLM while holding the Set button pressed for a full 10 seconds. It may be necessary to unplug PLM one more time for 30 seconds. If the ISY tries to communicate with the PLM during the reset process access will fail. Starting from a clean plug-in after reset will allow the ISY to communicate with the PLM if it is physically able.


Just to be sure, the ISY and PLM are connected with a short cable. Want to be sure the house Ethernet wiring is not being used which could exceed a Serial port cable length limit.


The only PLMs being sold today that work with the ISY are 2413S Serial Dual Band. These require a separate power supply to run the ISY as the 2413 Dual Band PLM no longer provides power to the ISY as the 2412S PLM does. Smarthome carries both 2413S PLM and external power supply.

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LeeG -


The cable length between the PLM and the ISY is 7 feet.


If the PLM is damaged will I be able to perform a backup?


If I need to purchase new PLM will I be able to restore all link records from backup?

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I hope you can take a backup. Never found my ISY in safe mode so not sure if File | Backup ISY is available in safe mode. The backup process does not require the PLM, just do not know all the restrictions in place while in Safe Mode. A File | Restore Modem (PLM) will restore all information in the new PLM. Since the PLM address is changing it will take a long time to run as every link record in every installed device that refers back to the old PLM have to be updated with the new PLM Insteon address.


In theory the ISY backup is not required. It would be a VERY good idea to have one in case something happens during the long running Restore Modem (PLM). Also take another backup after new PLM is installed after Restore completes.

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LeeG -


Luckily I have a backup that is about 2 weeks old. I spoke with smarthome and they said that if my ISY is in safemode, the only thing I can do is replace PLM. I have ordered a new one. I will try reset and see if it fixes problem.


Thanks for all your help.

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Thanks for the update. Please do post back about whether the factory reset clears the problem. It is important to know if plugging the Port A into a router port damaged the PLM. Appreciate any feedback once the outcome is known. Good luck!

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LeeG -


I see there is an option under the File menu to delete modem. Should I do this first and then try reset or just reset the the PLM?


If this does not work and I need to replace PLM with new one should I select delete modem from file menu before installing new modem?

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No. Delete modem is going to try and remove all the PLM links in all your devices.

Use the Restore Modem Choice. For either the replacement or the original you tried a reset on.

I believe Restore Modem does a reset command to clear it out first.

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Brian has it covered. DO NOT delete the PLM as that will result in all references to the PLM being deleted. That is meant for the professional installer who uses an ISY to do all the Insteon configuration and them removes the ISY and PLM.


The PLM factory reset is being done not to clear the PLM link database but to clear the PLM of anything that changed as a result of the cable oops. In this situation the clearing the PLM link database is an unfortunate side effect of the factory reset.


Assuming the PLM factory reset does not resolve the Safe Mode problem, leaving a new PLM as the only next step, just connect the new PLM to the ISY and boot up the ISY. The ISY will detect the Insteon address of the newly connected PLM during boot up, see that it is different than the information being used during the Restore Modem (PLM) activity, and make all the necessary changes.

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Wow, what timing. I'm seeing the same exact problem! I guess it is storm season... we had a huge thunderstorm the other day.


Anyway, let me know if a new PLM fixes it for you. I'll probably have to order a new one myself.


Where's the best place to get the new one? Smarthome? And I need a separate power supply for ISY when using the new PLM?

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This topic is the result of plugging the Port A cable into the router rather than the PLM. It does not sound like that is what happened in your case. Try power cycling (unplugging the PLM) for 30 seconds to see if things work when power is restored.


Smarthome is a good source for the 2413S Dual Band PLM. They also carry the power supply needed when using a 2413 PLM.



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Yep, tried power cycling. Everything is plugged into the proper ports. The PLM is still providing power to ISY. The LED on the PLM is on solid, and blinks once every 5 seconds.


I tried the hard reset on the PLM, then when I went into ISY and attempted a restore but it just appeared to do nothing. No progress, no status, no LED's blinking. Either ISY or the PLM is likely shot. Likely the PLM since ISY seems to respond just fine. I took a backup of ISY just to be on the safe side.


Yikes, $80 for a new PLM! ugh....


I see the PLM is on Amazon, but not the power supply. Too bad since Amazon prime would have it here much quicker...

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I see the PLM is on Amazon, but not the power supply. Too bad since Amazon prime would have it here much quicker...


You know what.... I bet I can find a random power supply lying around that will work right? Either that or pick something up at Radio Shack. There's no reason I should NEED the official one from Smarthome is there?

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