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KPL communication issues


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I have a scene with a "Pool light" as responder and two differnt KPLs (both button B) as controllers. It always worked but now one of the button B one one KPL turns on the pool light but gives the classic blinking LED light indication of poor communication and on turn off does not turn off the pool light and again gives the blinking LED. All the other buttons that controll other things on that KPL work fine as well as the second KPL and all of it its buttons including the one that controlls the pool light. I have tried to remove from scene and add back in as well as restore to all of the devices and links, but to no avail. Any other suggestions?


here is the event log:

Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.75.3B 00.00.02 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [standard-Group][0E.75.3B-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [ E 75 3B 2] DON 0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [ F B6 AE 1] ST 104


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [ E 75 3B 2] ST 255


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [ 10 1 94 2] ST 255


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : CLI-WBug: Successfully Processed WBug Response


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 1] 667000.000000 Weather - Temperature = 66.7 °F


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 5] -49000.000000 Weather - Temperature Rate = -4.9 °F


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 11] 30000.000000 Weather - Wind Speed = 3 mph


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 13] 30000.000000 Weather - Wind Direction = NE


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 18] 4000.000000 Weather - Light = 0.4 %/h


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:10 PM : [MOD 2 2 1 19] -16000.000000 Weather - Light Rate = -1.6 %/h


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:12 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.75.3B 13.25.81 41 11 02 LTONRR (02)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:12 PM : [standard-Cleanup][0E.75.3B-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.75.3B 00.00.02 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [standard-Group][0E.75.3B-->Group=2] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [ E 75 3B 2] DOF 0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [ F B6 AE 1] ST 0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [ E 75 3B 2] ST 0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:19 PM : [ 10 1 94 2] ST 0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:22 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.75.3B 13.25.81 41 13 02 LTOFFRR(02)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:22 PM : [standard-Cleanup][0E.75.3B-->ISY/PLM Group=2] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:51 PM : [ Time] 19:39:51 2(0)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0E.1C.2B 0F 11 BF 06 LTONRR (BF)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0E.1C.2B 13.25.81 2B 11 BF LTONRR (BF)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][0E.1C.2B-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [ E 1C 2B 1] ST 191


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.24 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


Wed 08/10/2011 07:39:52 PM : [ 13 9B 67 1] ST 135

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The Event trace does not show much as the communications between KPL button B and its responders are not passed from the PLM to the ISY so they do not appear in the trace.


Was not sure what is happening with the other KPL button B.


When KPL1 button B is pressed On, Pool Light turns On and KPL2 button B turns on but KPL1 button B blinks indicating it is not getting an answer from one of the responders. If KPL2 button B does turn On then it is likely the problem is between the Pool Light and KPL1 because KPL1 button B Off does not turn Pool Light Off. The KPL1 button B On command is reaching the Pool Light (as it turns On) but the ACK the Pool Light sends back to KPL1 acknowledging receipt of the command does not get back to KPL1 thus the blinking LED. A device turning On but not turning Off is classic communications problem often because of the type of load on the device. Could be just distance.


What happens when KPL2 button B is pressed? Does KPL1 button B turn On and the Pool Light turns On and no KPL2 LED blinking?


Some additional information about what happens with the other KPL button and does the other KPL button blink will help.



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What happens when KPL2 button B is pressed? Does KPL1 button B turn On and the Pool Light turns On and no KPL2 LED blinking?


[Joe] yes KPL1 turns on, and Pool light turns on, works fine


Some additional information about what happens with the other KPL button and does the other KPL button blink will help.


[Joe] no, KPL2 does not blink, works fine


[Joe] this is a pretty remote light, both physically as well as electrically as ti goes through pool pump 240V equiment then I have a let off of that for lights, but it has worked before and works with KPL2 so wondering if anything I can do to increase the communication from KPL1? - one other note, when trying form my RemoteLink it works fine but I did get some LED blinking and dont rememeber that happening before

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There may be something on the KPL1 circuit that is absorbing some of the Insteon signal. Any old X10 devices on that circuit that have BoosterLinc? Turn the breaker to KPL1 Off and observe what else loses power. Turn Off those other appliances and see if things improve. It may be necessary to unplug devices/appliances as the power supply on some devices/appliances can absorb Insteon signals. If KPL2 is 100% reliable in controlling the Pool Light that eliminates a load question unless KPL2 is much closer to the Pool Light than KPL1. If the device controlling the Pool Light is Dual Band adding an Access Point to the KPL1 circuit might help.

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Lee, you are a smart man!

turned off the circuit breaker, found the circuit sockets, plugged a spare Access Point (several extra with all of the Dual Band stiuff coming out) in a socket on that circuit. Perfect! All fixed!

Thanks much. I had tried an AP before I orginally posted, but not on the same circuit apprently.

Thanks again!


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